Second month highlights
- Aug. 26 Alas for you!
- Aug. 27 St. Monica: Godspell background/trivia; ornament art substitute
- Aug. 28 St. Augustine and music, musical, movie
- Aug. 29 John's beheading: video censored
- Aug. 31 Talents: Use what you got
- Sept. 2 Labor Day: mission; 4 songs
- Sept. 3 Greg: 5 songs including non-Gregorian chant
- Sept. 4 Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, Cathedral
- Sept. 5 Pescador, catch people
- Sept. 6 New wine; fresh skins! Jubilate Deo +3
- Sept. 9 Peter Claver: Weren't Christ's sufferings enough? Only in God
- Sept 11 Pacem in terris vs. 9/11 attacks. Renewal, blessings, and woes.
- Sept. 12 Paul's ultimate fashion challenge
- Sept 13 Splinter and plank in eyes; man in mirror
- Sept 14 Cross, κένωσις: 10 songs; first original recordings
- Sept 15 Prodigal father, Mercy; Amy Grant, Catechetical Sunday
- Sept. 16 Centurion's faith; 18th-century oldie
- Sept. 17 Robert Bellarmine and Pope Francis
- Sept. 19 First "daily reflection" links
- Sept. 20 Korean martyrs, small things
- Sept. 21 St. Matthew: SFPR Regional Congress, 7 music links
- Sept. 22 Thank you; Congress pix
- Sept. 23 Build/sow/reap/shine: Let your light shine; 5 music links
- Sept. 24 God's house, Jesus' family
- Sept. 25 Liturgy and today; blurb trimmed
The five italicized dates are my faves.

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