September 27, 2013: St. Vincent de Paul, Priest
- Hg 2:1-9 Lord to Zerubbabel and Joshua via Haggai: This house isn't like before. Take courage, and work! I'm with you; fear not! I'll fill house with glory greater than before, give you peace.
- Ps 43:1, 2, 3, 4 "Hope in God; I will praise him, my savior and my God." Rescue me, God, my strength. Send your light and fidelity to lead me. I'll go in to the altar of God, give you thanks.
- Lk 9:18-22 Jesus: “Who do they say I am?” Disciples: “John the Baptist, Elijah, or a prophet." “You?” Peter: “God's Anointed.” "Don't tell. The Son of Man must suffer, be rejected, killed, and raised.” [We had Matthew's version of this on August 8.]
"Thus saith the Lord," recitativ from Messiah/ Handel, before aria "But who may abide": hear them both here or here.
- "Houses" tie: work on your house! (1st reading)
- "Peace sign" tie bar: I'll give you peace (1st reading)
- "Shooting star" tie pin: "send your light" (psalm)
- "People" tie pin: three from "the crowds" (gospel)
- "Question mark" tie pin: Who do they/you say I am? (gospel)
- Special thanks to and prayers for the members and ministry of the St. Vincent-founded Congregation of the Mission ("Vincentians") globally and locally and Vincent-cofounded (with St. Louise de Marillac) Daughters of Charity globally and locally, the rest of the "Vincentian family," with special prayers for the poor Vincent loved and served so passionately.
- Pope Francis's homily of yesterday, from today's Mass: don't miss it
Dress your life!

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