October 20, 2013: 29th Sunday, Ordinary Time
Readings- Ex 17:8-13 Joshua mowed down Amalek thanks to Moses' Aaron and Hur-supported hands.
- Ps 121:1-8 "Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." The Lord, your guardian, is beside you.
- 2 Tm 3:14-4:2 Remain faithful to what you learned/believed. Scripture is God-inspired, gives wisdom for salvation, useful for teaching, refutation, training, equipping for good work. Proclaim the word: patiently teach/encourage even when inconvenient.
- Lk 18:1-8 If dishonest judge rendered just decision for importunate widow, won't God do justice speedily for his chosen who call to him? Pray always.
- Creighton: When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth? Why should we pray?
- Audience of Pope Francis to arts patrons: Art expresses the beauty of faith, bears witness to the mysteries of Christian faith and the quest of beauty which comes from and is fulfilled in God, and proclaims the grandeur of God’s creation, the dignity of human beings made in God's image, and the power of Christ’s death and resurrection to bring rebirth.
- RC.net: Give me faith, perseverance, hope amidst adversity.
- Universalis: Blessed Daudi Okelo and Jildo Irwa, Uganda teen/preteen catechists, martyrs
- Our help comes from the Lord/ Joncas (psalm)
- Our help is from the Lord, from Wood Hath Hope/ Foley (audio sample) (psalm)

- "Hands" tie: Moses' hands that helped win the war (1st reading); "The Lord is your shade at your right hand" (psalm)
- "Scales" pin: judge's just decision rendered to the widow (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time (season)
- Bible pin: I still don't have this, but it fits so well with the 2nd reading. I have to include the pic.
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