December 20, 2013: Friday, 3rd week of Advent
- Is 7:10-14 Lord to Ahaz: Ask for a sign / I won't test God / God will give you one: Virgin shall bear son...
- Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6 "Let the Lord enter; he is the king of glory." God founded the earth. The clean-hearted may receive God's blessing.
- Lk 1:26-38 Gabriel / Mary: “The Lord is with you. You'll bear a great son and name him Jesus. He'll rule over the house of Jacob forever.” / “How, since I'm a virgin?” / “The Spirit, God's power. The child will be called Son of God. Elizabeth has also conceived...” / “I'm the Lord's handmaid; let it be done.”
- Homily: God's power “overshadowed” Mary; a shadow is like the cloud God used to protect the Jews. You know how mysteriously God works in you; the shadow of God in our lives helps us discover the mystery. Silence is the cloud that covers the mystery; without it, the mystery's lost. How often Mary remained quiet to guard the mystery of her relationship with her Son, hiding it and allowing it to blossom in hope.
- With Catholic Action children: Jesus' birth is true history. In the face of the baby Jesus, we contemplate the face of God, revealed in the weakness and fragility of a newborn. Jesus loves you and wants to be friends with you and all young people; transmit the joy of this friendship everywhere, ready to help those in need without judging them.
- Gospel Joy (Evangelii Gaudium drill-down), continuing Chapter 3 (a series):
Popular piety's evangelizing power: Peoples who receive the Gospel are collective agents of evangelization; as they transmit their culture, they bear witness to the faith with new expressions. Popular piety (AKA popular spirituality or the people's mysticism) is an expression of ongoing missionary activity, enabling us to see how faith becomes embodied and is passed on. A Spirit-filled treasure of the Church, it discovers and expresses faith more by symbols than reasoning, it shows thirst for God only the poor and simple can know, and it makes us capable of heroic generosity and sacrifice. It's a legitimate way to live the faith, feel part of the Church, and be a missionary, coming out of oneself. Journeying to a shrine is an evangelizing gesture. Look with love at the faith of a mother clinging to a rosary as she tends her sick child, the hope in a lighted candle, and the love in one gazing at Christ crucified. Promote and strengthen the evangelizing power underlying popular piety; don't try to stifle or control it.Reflections(3.I, 122-126, pp. 99-102)
- Today's O Antiphon: O Key of David, opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom: come and free the prisoners of darkness!
- In the Old Testament God gave signs to demonstrate his love. King Ahaz was surrounded by hostile forces; God reassured him with virgin/son sign that Mary and Jesus would fulfill. God expects us to trust and obey like Mary. Do we?
- Creighton: Pray for hope and trust in God so we can follow God's plan for us.
- Universalis: Bl. Scubilion, Christian Brother, catechist of slaves; St. Fachanan of Kilfenora.
- Lift up your heads, O ye gates, from Part II of Messiah/ Handel (psalm)
- Please send me music suggestions, especially for the Christmas season! I welcome links to audio, video, sheet music, and/or lyrics, and I'll give you credit.
- "Keyboard with dove" tie pin: Mary conceived Jesus through the Spirit (gospel)
- Purple shirt: Advent season
- "Children around tree" tie: people expressing faith together (Gospel Joy), Catholic Action children (Pope visit)
- Christmas pin (see Tuesday for legend): Nativity Novena (subseason)
Dress your life!
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