October 31, 2013

October 31

October 31, 2013:

Thursday, 30th week, Ordinary Time
All Hallows Eve 

How many connections can you find with today's readings?
Legend below

Listen to music for 1st reading

  • Rom 8:31b-39  If God is for us, who can be against us?  If he gave his Son, won't he give us everything else too?  Who will condemn us--God?  Christ?  What will separate us from Christ's love:  distress, peril?  No; we super-conquer through him.  Neither death, life, angels, present, future things, powers, nor creatures can separate us from God's love in Christ.
  • Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31  "Save me, O Lord, in your mercy."  Lord, deal kindly with me; in your generous mercy rescue me; for I am wretched and poor, and my heart is pierced within me.  I'll thank you who stood at the right hand of the poor to save them.
  • Lk 13:31-35  “Go away, Jesus; Herod wants to kill you.”  “Tell him, ‘I'll eaccomplish my purpose.  I must continue on my way.’  “Jerusalem, I yearn to gather your children together, but your house will be abandoned.
I love the first reading!  I remember it from a ~1974 campus ministry retreat, I keep returning to it, I was blessed to take a course in Romans from Fr. Dan Harrington, S.J., and the passage remains a consolation in hard times.  I just posted a page with an exegesis of it and homily based on it that I prepared back then.

    • Pope Francis homily:   Paul's “no one can separate me from Christ's love” vs. Jesus weeping for unfaithful Jerusalem not receiving God's love:  Paul feels he's a sinner, but finds strength in God's love vs. Jerusalem's people rejecting or half-accepting it.  Is my love strong or tepid?
    • RC.net:  Do I flee or stand when faced with adversity?
    • Creighton:  Are we are looking for the wrong signs?  Love in action, resurrection.
    Dress legend
    • 'Scales of justice' pin:  Courtroom metaphor of Rom 8:31-34 (1st reading)
    • 'Angel' pin:  "Angels [spiritual beings not necessarily heavenly] won't be able to separate us from God's love" (1st reading)
    • 'Pierced hearts' suspenders:  "My heart is pierced within me" (psalm)
    • 'Hen' tie pin:  I yearned to gather you together as hen gathers brood (gospel) [sorry it's not upright here]
    • 'Musical notes with skulls as note heads' tie:  Singing thanks (end of psalm), saints en route to eternal reward (Hallowe'en)
    • 'Headless skeleton' tie pin:  A saint (also Hallowe'en) [missing head isn't significant; head just broke off]
    Dress your life!

    October 30, 2013

    October 30

    October 30, 2013:   Wednesday, 30th week, Ordinary Time 

    Wordle: Readings 10-30-13
    • Rom 8:26-30  We don't know how to pray; Spirit intercedes with groanings according to God’s will.  All things work for good for those who love God.  God foreknew, predestined, conformed, called, justified, and glorified them.
    • Ps 13:4-5, 6  "My hope, O Lord, is in your mercy."  Answer me, Lord God!
    • Lk 13:22-30  Enter through the narrow gate.  You'll ask, "Lord, open the door; we know you," and he'll reply, "Depart from me, evildoers!"  You'll wail when cast out while others enter.  Some last will be first, some first last.”

      • Pope Francis to World Council of Churches:  God is at work where life is cherished, and justice and peace prevail.  Pray and cooperate in the service of the Gospel and the human family.  Witness to human dignity; enable growth in freedom, ensure sound education, and guarantee religious liberty.  Reach out to the vulnerable:  poor, disabled, unborn, sick, migrants, refugees, elderly, unemployed.
      • RC.net:  Enter by narrow door = follow Jesus.  Strive = struggle.   Trust.
      • Creighton:  Sacrifice, hoping in God's mercy.  Spirit and community are advocates.

        Music (all from 1st reading!)


        • "Keyboard with dove" tie pin:  Spirit intercedes for us (1st reading)
        • "Eyeball" tie pin:  "Give light to my eyes" (psalm)
        • Tie with doors:  "Lord, open the door" (gospel)

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        October 29, 2013

        October 29

        October 29, 2013:   Tuesday, 30th week, Ordinary Time 


          Wordle: Readings 10-29-13
        • Rom 8:18-25  Today's sufferings are nothing compared with glory to be revealed.  Creation eagerly awaits the freedom of God's children.  We groan as we wait in hope for adoption, redemption.
        • Ps 126:1b-6  "The Lord has done marvels for us."  Sow in tears; reap rejoicing.  Go forth weeping; come back rejoicing.
        • Lk 13:18-21  Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed that became large bush birds dwelt in; it's like yeast mixed with flour till all dough was leavened.

          • Pope Francis homily:  Hope isn't optimism; it's Christ, expectation, gift, risky virtue, miracle of renewal creating tension directed to Christ, joy, life.  Mary hoped on Good Friday.
          • RC.net:  Kingdom works like seed, starting small (in receptive heart), transforming from within.   Kingdom transforms us like leaven dough.  Lord, fill me with your Spirit and transform me...
          • Creighton:  We plant; God gives increase.  We knead dough; God makes rise.  May I trust, be patient.
          • Universalis:  >160 Blessed Martyrs of Douai College, St. Colman MacDuagh, abbot-bishop



            • "Keyboard with dove" tie pin:  we who have the firstfruits of the Spirit groan inwardly as we await redemption.
            • "Harvest of wheat" pin:  "Those who sow in tears will reap rejoicing" (psalm); God grants the increase (gospel)
            • "Tabasco" tie with bread and seeds:  Kingdom of God is like mustard seed, yeast mixed with flour (gospel)

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              October 28, 2013

              SS. Simon and Jude

              October 28, 2013:   SS. Simon and Jude, apostles, feast 

                Wordle: Readings 10-28-13
              • Eph 2:19-22  You're no longer strangers but in God's household.  In Christ you're being built into a temple for God.
              • Ps 19:2-5  "Their message goes out through all the earth."  The heavens declare God's glory,
              • Lk 6:12-16  Jesus prayed, then called 12 Apostles to himself.

                • Pope Francis to media pros:  Don't flinch in the face of tech challenges.  Play like a team:  create bonds; come together; share resources.  Serve professionally.
                • RC.net:  Lord uses ordinary people for greatness.  How do I respond?  What keeps me from giving myself unreservedly?
                • Creighton:  We're part of the Christian family, called with the apostles to follow Christ, declare God's glory, share responsibility in the household.

                BTW, when looking for more hymns to fit the readings, I check Hymnary's scripture index.


                • "Houses" tie: we're members of God's household (1st reading)
                • "Person kneeling in prayer" tie bar:  Jesus prayed before calling the apostles (gospel); praying publican (yesterday's gospel)
                • "Telephone" tie bar:  Jesus "called" the apostles, calls us (gospel)
                Airplane tie pin:  "Their message goes out through all the earth" (psalm)
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                October 27, 2013

                October 27

                October 27, 2013:   30th Sunday, Ordinary Time 

                • Sir 35:12-14, 16-18  The Lord hears the oppressed, orphan, widow, lowly, all who serve God.  Lord judges justly, won't delay. 
                  Wordle: Readings 10-27-13
                • Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23  "The Lord hears the cry of the poor," confronts evildoers, rescues the just, is close to the brokenhearted, saves the crushed in spirit, redeems his servants.  I bless the Lord always.
                • 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18  I am being poured out, have competed well, finished the race, kept the faith.  The just Lord will crown me and all who longed for him.  All deserted me, but the Lord stood by me, rescued me so all may hear the proclamation, will bring me safe to his kingdom.
                • Lk 18:9-14  Two went to temple to pray:  Pharisee to himself:  "Thank God I'm not like others; I fast and pay tithes."  Tax collector:  "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." 
                  whoever exalts himself will be humbled; the one who humbles himself will be exalted.

                  • Pope Francis "World Family Day" homily:  The family (1) prays humbly, (2) keeps the faith by proclaiming and spreading it, accepting others, and bringing its salt and leaven to everyday life, and (3) experiences joy because God is near, hears our cry, and frees us.  True joy comes from God's presence and welcoming, merciful, respectful love fostering harmony between persons.  How do we pray together, live in faith and simplicity, experience joy?
                  • RC.net:  What prayer, attitude, and action pleases God?
                  • CreightonPretending to pray vs. praying



                  • "Scales of justice" tie:  Lord judges justly (1st reading)
                  • "Pierced hearts" suspenders:  The Lord is close to the brokenhearted (psalm, admittedly a stretch)
                  • "Grapes" pin:  "I am being poured out like a libation" (2nd reading, another stretch)
                  • Crown of Claddagh tie pin:  "a merited crown awaits me" (2nd reading)
                  • "Road runner" tie pin:  "I have finished the race" (2nd reading)
                  • "Kneeling person" tie bar:  Tax collector's prayer (gospel)

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                  October 26, 2013

                  October 26

                  October 26, 2013:   Saturday, 29th week, Ordinary Time 


                    Wordle: Readings 10-26-13
                  • Rom 8:1-11  Now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.  God sent his Son to condemn sin.  Those in the flesh can't please God, but if God's Spirit is in you, you're in the spirit.  If Christ is in you, the spirit is alive.  If God's Spirit dwells in you, God will give you life.
                  • Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6  "Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face."  The Lord’s are the world and those who dwell in it; he established it...
                  • Lk 13:1-9  If you don't repent, you'll perish.  Owner / gardener:   "Cut down fig tree; it's been barren 3 years" / "I'll cultivate it; if it doesn't bear fruit then, you can cut it down."
                    • Pope Francis homily:  We struggling slaves of sin need liberation.  Confessing without eye-to-eye contact is like confessing by email, but Paul confessed with courage, sincerity, truth, simplicity, and transparency to the community.  We can too, like children, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and encounter Jesus' love, grace, and forgiveness.  It's not therapy or torture but rather saying, "Lord, I'm a sinner" concretely through a brother.
                    • RC.net:  Sin without repentance is a cancer.  God judges but is patient.  Now is the time.
                    • Creighton:  Never too early; never too late.
                    Only natural/ Chapman (1st reading)

                    "Blood drop" pin:  "the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices" (gospel)

                    "Tree" pin:  fig tree not cut down (gospel); sorry it's not a fig tree

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                    October 25, 2013

                    First quarterversary

                    October 25, 2013:  First quarterversary

                    Boldface links are the most visited; italic ones are my favorites.

                    3rd month highlights
                    Wordle: Readings 9/26/13-10/25/13
                    Word cloud for 3rd month's readings
                    • Sept. 26  Ordos:  USCCB, Universalis, and beyond; Jesus Christ Superstar
                    • Sept. 27  Messiah
                    • Sept. 28  My Heart Christ's Home
                    • Sept. 29  Abraham's bosom and Elvis
                    • Sept. 30  Jerome, ignorance of Scripture, respect of life
                    • Oct. 1  Thérèse:  "I will be love"; writings online
                    • Oct. 2  Guardian Angels:  6-1 songs
                    • Oct. 4  Francis:  "his" prayer*5; Pope Francis:  clothe yourself with Christ as he; texts
                    • Oct. 7  Our Lady of the Rosary, with "Wideness" tunes
                    • Oct. 8  Beautiful feet
                    • Oct. 9  Our Fathers
                    • Oct. 11  Forgiveness:  "Look it up"
                    • Oct. 13  Lepers and Pope Francis
                    • Oct. 15  Teresa:  writings online; "Nada te turbe" *3 
                    • Oct. 16  5 Saints; 4 songs
                    • Oct. 17  Ignatius of Antioch:  2 sets of readings, wild beasts, writings online, 10 songs
                    • Oct. 18  Luke:  Mission; 4 songs
                    • Oct. 19  North American Martyrs +3
                    • Oct. 20  Pope and arts
                    • Oct. 21  Zachary's song *4
                    • Oct. 22  Be prepared
                    • Oct. 23  Small things
                    • Oct. 24  "Not available in stores"
                    • Oct. 25  Thanks be to God I'm re-made
                    2nd month highlights
                    • Aug. 26  Godspell
                    • Aug. 27  St. Monica:  Godspell background/trivia; ornament art substitute
                    • Aug. 28  St. Augustine and music, musical, movie
                    • Sept 13  Splinter and plank in eyes; man in mirror
                    • Sept 14  Cross, κένωσις:  10 songs; first original recordings
                    • Sept. 21  St. Matthew:  SFPR Regional Congress, 7 music links

                    • July 31:  1st with audio and sheet music links (and sign language)
                    • Aug 10:  1st with 2 sets of readings, 3 classical music links (including aria), tribute, art from fellow choir member, and comment
                    • Aug. 11:  post-Mass dress tweak
                    • Aug 15:  1st with Gospel-inspired poetry from colleague, audio and sheet music links including Messiah, Talbot, Ave Maria, film/Broadway, and 5th Dimension
                    • Aug 18:  1st with original sheet music, robo-sung audio, embedded music player, and "Roamin' Catholic report."  Most music links ever.

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                    October 25

                    October 25, 2013:   Friday, 29th week, Ordinary Time 

                    Wordle: Readings 10-25-13Readings

                    • Rom 7:18-25a  Spirit willing; flesh weak:  I want to do good but, captive to sin, I do evil.  Who will deliver me?  Jesus Christ our Lord.
                    • Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94  "Lord, teach me your statutes."  You're good, bountiful, kind, compassionate.  I trust your commands; they give me life.
                    • Lk 12:54-59  Hypocrites, you interpret the appearance of earth and sky; why don't you know how to interpret the present time?  Try to settle with your opponent.

                      • Pope Francis homily:  We've been re-made i​n Christ, must walk on the path of holiness, when we sin go to Lord and seek healing and reconciliation, live faith doing "simple" works.
                      • RC.net:  Help me read the signs of the times, discern and choose what pleases You.
                      • Creighton:  Where is the Lord in your life now?  Don't lose sense of urgency; respond.



                      • "Scales of justice" tie:  try to settle with your opponent on the way to court (gospel)
                      • "Eyeball" tie pin:  "My eyes long to see your promise" (Ps 119:82)

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                      October 24, 2013

                      October 24

                      October 24, 2013:   Thursday, 29th week, Ordinary Time 

                        Tagxedo word cloud 10-24-13
                      • Rom 6:19-23  Present your bodies as slaves to righteousness for sanctification.  Sin's wages is death, but God's gift is eternal life in Christ.
                      • Ps 1:1-4, 6  "Blessed are they who hope in the Lord."  Blessed those who delight in and meditate on God's law.  They yields fruit, prosper.  Lord watches over the just.
                      • Lk 12:49-53  I came to set the earth on fire; how I wish it were already blazing!  I've come not to establish peace but division.

                      • RC.net:  Fire as God's presence, glory, protection, holiness, judgment, wrath against sin, Spirit...  Division from ordered loyalty.
                      • Creighton:  We get tired and lazy and can overlook others' sacrifices/support.



                      • People tie pin:  present your bodies for sanctification (1st reading)
                      • Tree and apple pins:  You who hope in God are like trees bearing fruit (psalm)
                      • Sun tie, red shirt, red suspenders:  blazing fire (gospel)
                      • Abacus tie pin: not peace but division (gospel) [yes, division can be done on an abacus; see instructions]
                      "Not peace" button (created for today, not available in stores :-):
                      "Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No..." (gospel)

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                      October 23, 2013

                      October 23

                      October 23, 2013:   Wednesday, 29th week, Ordinary Time 


                        Wordle: Readings 10-23-13
                      • Rom 6:12-18  Present yourselves to God as raised to life, your bodies as weapons for righteousness.  You were slaves of sin, but thank God you've been freed and have become obedient  slaves of righteousness.
                      • Ps 124:1b-8  "Our help is in the name of the Lord."  Blessed be the Lord, who rescued us like a bird.
                      • Lk 12:39-48  Be prepared; the Son of Man will come when you don't expect.  Master will put ready faithful servant in charge of his property.  Much/more will be required of the person entrusted with much/more.

                      • RC.net:  God offers us priceless treasure:  Jesus, relationship with God.  Do I guard it?  Am I faithful in little things?  Vigilant and ready?
                      • Creighton:  We're all slaves/servants, not master.



                      • "Bomber plane" tie pin:  Present your bodies as weapons for righteousness, not weapons for wickedness (1st reading)
                      • "Bird" pin:  The Lord rescued us like a bird (psalm)
                      • "Clocks" tie:  if the master had known the hour the thief was coming...; Son of Man will come at an hour you don't expect; master will come on at an unknown hour (gospel)

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                      October 22, 2013

                      October 22

                      October 22, 2013:   Tuesday, 29th week, Ordinary Time 

                        Wordle: Readings 10-22-13
                      • Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21  Through Adam sin and death came to all, but through Jesus Christ grace, acquittal, and eternal life came to all.
                      • Ps 40:7-10, 17  "Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will."  You want obedience, not sacrifice. 
                      • Lk 12:35-38  Be ready.  Blessed the prepared vigilant.

                      • RC.net:  Be prepared.  Faithfulness vs. sloth
                      • Creighton:  The Power of the Particular:  big changes from one encounter



                        • "Headless skeleton" tie pin:  "Through one man sin entered the world, and through sin, death" (1st reading) [Don't read anything into the decapitation; the pin just lost its head last month from normal wear and tear.]
                        • White shirt:  eternal life (1st reading) [complementing skeleton]
                        • "Snoopy" tie (note big ears):  "ears open to obedience you gave me" (psalm)
                        • "Pearl" tie pin (white light):  light your lamps like servants awaiting master’s return, ready (gospel)

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