January 13, 2014: Monday, 1st Week, Ordinary Time
- 1 Sm 1:1-8 Elkanah had two wives, Peninnah who had children and Hannah who was barren. Elkanah offered double sacrifice for Hannah, but Peninnah tormented her, and she wept. He said, “Why do you weep and grieve? Am I not more to you than ten sons?”
- Ps 116:12-19 "To you, Lord, I will offer a sacrifice of praise." Lord, you have loosed my bonds. I'll take up the cup of salvation, call on you, and keep my vows. Precious in your eyes is the death of his faithful ones.
- Mk 1:14-20 Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of God: “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe.” As Simon and Andrew were casting their nets, he called, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men,” and they followed him. He called James and John while they were mending their nets, and they left everyone and followed him.
Pope Francis
- Angelus: When Jesus was baptized by John, the heavens opened. The heavens have been pierced with Jesus' coming. God gives us in Christ the guarantee of an indestructible love. We can see the heavens opened if we allow ourselves to be invaded by God's love. Sharing is the true way of love: Jesus shared our human condition and made us God's children. We need an increase of sharing, love, and a charity that shares and cares for hardships.”
- Gospel Joy (Evangelii Gaudium drill-down), continuing Chapter 3 (a series):
Ear to the people: To preach, keep an ear to the people and discover what the faithful need to hear. Contemplating them reveals their aspirations, riches, limitations, and ways of praying, loving, and seeing. Pay attention to actual people and use their language to answer questions they ask. Link the biblical message to an experience crying out for the light of God’s word. Have a spiritual sensitivity for reading God’s message in events: what does the Lord have to say in this circumstance, and what's God's call in it?
Think of an experience such as a reunion or moment of disappointment, fear, compassion, uncertainty, or concern. Develop a sensitivity to what affects people’s lives, and don't answer questions nobody asks. Don't talk about the news to get people’s interest, but you may start with a fact or story so God’s word can resound in its call to conversion, worship, fraternity, and service. Some will still listen and not let themselves be challenged. (Reflections3.III, 154-155, pp. 122-124)
- Christmas season is over, but now the work of Christmas begins (Thurman).
- Creighton: Church "Ordinary Time" (from "ordinal"/counted) begins today. Jesus comes to call fishermen Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John while they're at work, and he calls us today. Be silent and hear him; put down your nets of distractions, anger, insecurity, and busyness, and follow him.
- RC.net: After Jesus' baptism, he began preaching the gospel. God sent his Son to establish a universal and everlasting kingdom of justice, love, and peace. Let us repent (change so Christ is our master), believe (recognize God's love and sacrifice), and follow him. Jesus chose smelly fishermen, and us, to catch people for God's kingdom. How do I allow the light of Christ to shine in my actions?
- Universalis: St. Hilary of Poitiers, bishop and doctor, fought the Arian heresy and strengthened the faith and right interpretation of Scripture.
- Our blessing cup (1979)/ Joncas (sample sheet music)
- Our blessing cup (1995)/ Joncas
- Our blessing cup/ Kendzia
- Our blessing cup/ Hurd
- Our blessing cup (Psalm 116) / Hart (sample sheet music)
- Psalm 116: Our blessing cup/ Haas
- Our blessing cup/ Callanan
- Our blessing cup / Ps 116/ Alonso
- Abacus tie pin: I'm more to you than 10 sons (1st reading)
- Telephone tie bar: I'll "call" on the Lord's name (psalm); Jesus calls the fishermen... (gospel)
- "Eyeball" tie pin: "Precious in the eyes of the Lord..." (psalm)
- "Fish" pin (gospel)
- "Clocks" tie: beginning of new season; Kingdom is at hand (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time begins (season)
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