February 22, 2014: Chair of Peter, Apostle
- 1 Pt 5:1-4 Presbyters, tend God's flock in your midst, overseeing willingly and eagerly. Be examples. When the chief Shepherd is revealed, you'll receive the crown of glory.
- Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6 "The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want." I fear no evil; you give me courage. Goodness and kindness follow me; I shall dwell in the Lord's house.
- Mt 16:13-19 Jesus / disciples: “Who do they say the Son of Man is?” / “John the Baptist, Elijah,... a prophet.” / “Who do you say I am?” Peter: “The Christ.” / “My Father revealed this. You are Peter; upon this rock I'll build my Church. I'll give you the keys to the Kingdom. What you bind/loose on earth shall be bound/loosed in heaven.”
Pope Francis
- At end of symposium on Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (12-4-1963): We're grateful for the deep and wide renewal of liturgical life and inspired to implement it more fully. We understand liturgy better as Christ's work in which his body (head and members) worships. This action, in the power of the Holy Spirit, can attract every person and all Creation. True worship is offering oneself as a living sacrifice to God; liturgy detached from that becomes hollow. Liturgy wants to be transformed in Christ and so transfigure all reality. Our daily life must be action with God, inspired by and immersed in God. The reality of God must penetrate us so our life may be a liturgy, adoration. Much remains for correct and complete assimilation of the Constitution, especially commitment to solid liturgical formation of laypeople, religious, and clergy.
- To Pentecostal conference: The heart's language is simple and authentic; its grammar has two rules: love God above all, and love the other. Your conference brings me joy in knowing you came together to worship Christ our Lord, and longing for Christian unity. I'm your brother; let's encounter each other as brothers and allow our longing to grow. Pray for me.
- To new cardinals: Your office is one of service and sacrifice. Proclaim the Gospel; bear witness to truth. Pray for Christ’s flock; prayer, with proclamation of the Word, is your primary task. Pray especially for suffering peoples, and express their closeness to the Church and to all suffering from discrimination and persecution. Be peacemakers, building peace by word, hope, and prayer.
- Creighton: This feast celebrates the spiritual authority of the one called to exercise Peter's role in the church—from Peter through Pope Francis. Jesus told his apostles, “Be a servant, slave of all. The Son came to serve and give his life.” We who exercise authority in a community—as pastoral ministers, parents, teachers, clergy, religious...—are called to exercise authority in the same way, to guide, nurture, and serve.
- One Bread One Body: When we renew our baptismal promises, we acknowledge we were baptized into one body, the Church. In baptism, we committed to remain faithful. We must pray for, support, serve, and obey the Church. Do I love the Church, even when it seems unlovable? Am I willing to lay down my life for her?
- Passionist: You have a flock to tend right here, in your home, workplace, neighborhood, parish...
- Universalis: St. Peter's Chair, signifying the unity of the Church founded upon the Apostles.
- About "binding and loosing" (gospel, original in future perfect despite English translations), linked to Sacrament of Reconciliation, see my August 14 post, including exegetical links, related speculations [Bonus: links to online resources for comparing and exploring original and translated Bible texts]
- The Lord is my Shepherd/ Rutter (psalm)
- Shepherd me, O God/ Haugen (psalm)
- Psalm 23 (Byzantine chant in English) (psalm)
- Who do you say that I am?/ Boosahda (gospel)
- "Knot with two jewels" tie bar: jewels for earth and heaven, knot for bind/loose "syncing" (gospel)
- White shirt: color of the feastday
- Music tie and suspenders, [faint] keyboard T-shirt: Huffington Ecumenical Institute with liturgical music sessions (music in today's Church, inculturation, Byzantine chant in English), Panikhida service, and Cappella Romana concert
Dress your life!
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