March 25, 2014: Annunciation of the Lord

- Is 7:10-14; 8:10 Lord / Ahaz: "Ask for a sign!" / “No; I won't test God.” Isaiah: "The Lord will give you this sign: the virgin shall bear a son, Emmanuel, 'God with us!'"
- Ps 40:7-11 "Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will." You wanted obedience, not sacrifice. I delight in doing your will. I announced your justice, faithfulness, kindness, and truth.
- Heb 10:4-10 Bull/goat blood doesn't take away sins. He says, “You didn't want sacrifices,” then, “I come to do your will,” taking away the first to establish the second. We've been consecrated through the offering of the Body of Jesus.
- Lk 1:26-38 God sent Gabriel to Mary betrothed to Joseph: “Fear not; you'll bear a great son, Jesus, Son of the Most High, to rule forever.” / “How?” / “The Holy Spirit will come upon you.... 'Barren' Elizabeth has also conceived; nothing will be impossible for God.” / “OK; I'm the Lord's handmaid.”
Pope Francis
Study for the Annunciation/ Tanner |
- Homily: Pride led Adam and Eve to disobey God, but Mary's obedience loosened the knot of disobedience. The Lord walks alongside his people with so much tenderness to soften our hearts: ‘I'll make your heart of stone a heart of flesh.’ The road to salvation will give us a more human heart, closer to God, not so proud or self-sufficient. Salvation is a gift, but to receive it, we need a humble, obedient heart like Mary's. The model for this road is Jesus, who didn’t cling to his equality with God. Embrace the Father who became one of us to save us. God waits for us today.
- Creighton: Mary said yes, convinced Gabriel’s message was what mattered; she's our model for acceptance and response to God, focusing not on self but the One who calls. She was given strength to answer God's call. As with Mary, my call is to recognize God is with me and to trust.
- One Bread One Body: God loves us so much, he became one of us (God-Baby/God-Man); we meditate on the Incarnation whenever we pray the Angelus, Hail Mary, or first joyful mystery. May we, like Mary, say yes to God and offer ourselves as living sacrifices, and, like Joseph, be willing to change our plans for God.
The Annunciation/ Tissot |
- Mary believed God's promises even when they seemed impossible, trusted they'd be fulfilled, and was eager to cooperate. Let's respond with the same trust, willingness, and obedience.
- Passionist: Life often catches us by surprise! We get unsettling news and have questions like Mary and Jesus did. At Gethsemane Jesus would make an act of faith like Mary's: Not my will, but yours be done.
- Universalis: We celebrate Mary's yes; she could have said no. When the Almighty wants something done, he asks one of his poor, weak creatures—and gives us strength.
- Moved to Greater Love: Thanks to the US Jesuits for this Lent/Easter series of daily meditations with reflection questions, poetry, art, and music, only some of which I linked to from this post.
- Here I am, Lord/ Ward (psalm)
- I say yes, Lord/Digo Sí, Señor/ Peña (gospel)
- Gabriel's Message (The Angel Gabriel)/ Basque carol (gospel)
- No wind at the window/ Bell (gospel)
- I am for you/ Cooney: lyrics, sheet music (v.2 from gospel)
- Be it done unto me/ Hurd: sample sheet music (gospel)
- O Mary of promise/ Warner
- Ave Maria/ Biebl
- To Zion/ Hill
- More and more
- "No excuses" pin [it could have been any sign]: "Ahaz, ask for a sign" (1st reading) [the blue+crowns tie trumped my 'signs' tie]
- "Keyboard with dove" tie pin: Holy Spirit conceived Jesus (gospel)
- Blue tie with crowns: 'Blessed Mother blue' (gospel); God will give Jesus the throne of David (gospel)
- "Angel" pin: Gabriel (gospel)
- "Question mark" tie pin: "How can this be?" (gospel)
- Special pin: gospel is from Luke's infancy narrative; see Dec. 17 for meaning
- White shirt: today's liturgical color
- Cell phone holster: God's 'call' to Mary through Gabriel
(Thanks for your comments on yesterday's post, especially the 'letter' tie bar. :-)
Dress your life!
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