April 2, 2014: Wednesday, 4th week of Lent

- Is 49:8-15 I'll restore the land and say to prisoners: Come out! and to those in darkness: Show yourselves! They won't hunger or thirst. I lead and guide them. I'll cut a road through my mountains, comfort you, and show mercy. Can a mother forget her infant? Even should she, I'll never forget you.
- Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18 "The Lord is gracious and merciful." The Lord is good, faithful, and just, near to all who call on him. He lifts up the falling.
- Jn 5:17-30 The Jews tried to kill Jesus because he broke the sabbath and called God his father. Jesus: The Son can only do what he sees the Father doing. The Son, like the Father, gives life; whoever hears my word and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life. The dead will hear the Son and rise: those who have done good, to life; others, to condemnation. I seek the will of the one who sent me.
Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam |
- Creighton: God Is Closer than You Think (Ortberg) shows "The Creation of Adam" in which God strains to reach Adam whose reach is weak. God’s love for us can overcome our shortcomings.
- Passionist: My relationship with God is as close as mother/child (1st reading) or Father/Son (gospel). Our loving and faithful God won't forget us, no matter what.
- Universalis: St. Ceallach, bishop
- Yahweh called me/ Stein: I remember doing this in 1977, long before the Yahweh directive. If you're in Denver, check it out. (1st reading)
- Though the mountains may fall/ Schutte (1st reading)
- I will never forget you/ Landry (1st reading)
- The Lord is near/ Joncas (psalm theme, but actually Ps 27; you're more likely to know this as "May the angels")
Pope Francis
- Audience: When a man and a woman celebrate the sacrament of marriage, God is mirrored in them, marking them with the character of his love. As God is a communion of three persons who live in unity, in marriage God makes one of two spouses in his image, drawing strength from God, building up the Church in unity and fidelity. The real "wedding gift": married life is a reflection of the Trinity; it's a grace-filled living icon of God and his love. Sacramental married life takes place within the human condition with its trials and difficulties; keep the link with God alive. Make peace with small gestures. Pray together, and celebrate and live the Eucharist together; draw strength to love, help, and forgive each other daily. Pray for families, especially ones in difficulty. Thank God for the families who continue to animate and serve in our Christian communities!
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