April 14, 2014: Monday of Holy Week

- Is 42:1-7 Here is my servant, my chosen one, upon whom I have put my Spirit; he shall bring forth justice. The Lord, creator and lifegiver, says: I have called, grasped, and formed you and set you as a covenant, to open the eyes of the blind and to release prisoners and those in darkness.
- Ps 27:1-3, 13-14 "The Lord is my light and my salvation." My foes stumble and fall. I will trust, not fear; I believe I shall see the Lord's bounty in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord.
- Jn 12:1-11 Jesus came to Bethany, where they gave him a dinner; Lazarus reclined at table with him. Mary anointed Jesus' feet with costly perfumed oil and dried them with her hair. Judas / Jesus: “Why wasn't the oil sold and the money given to the poor?” (He held the money bag and used to steal from it.) / “Leave her alone. You always have the poor, but you don't always have me.” The crowd found out that he was there and came for him and Lazarus; many were believing in Jesus because of Lazarus.
Pope Francis
- More from Passion Sun. homily: Holy Week begins with a procession of praise but recalls the Lord's death and resurrection. Ask, "Who am I? Can I express joy and praise the Lord? Do I keep distant?" "Is my life asleep, like that of the disciples who slept while Jesus suffered? Am I like Judas, who pretended to love but betrayed, or Pilate, who washed his hands of his responsibility? Like the crowds who chose Barabbas over Jesus, the soldiers who struck and mocked Jesus, or the passersby who mocked him on the Cross?"
"Like Simon of Cyrene who helped carry the Cross, Joseph of Arimathea who offered his tomb for Jesus’ Body, the women who wept and prayed, or Jesus' Mother who was suffering silently?" Ask through the week: “Where's my heart? Whom am I most like?” Turn to Mary; she helps us follow Jesus with faith.
- Forgiveness/ West
- In the arms of God/ Alonso (psalm-inspired)
- King Herod's Song, from Jesus Christ Superstar/ Lloyd Webber and Rice (I didn't include it yesterday because only Luke recounts the visit, and it probably wasn't exactly like this :-)
- He was despisèd, from Messiah/ Handel for "He gave his back..." section (psalm)
- He trusted in God, from Messiah/ Handel; another one (psalm, gospel)
- Jesus, the Lord/ O'Connor (2nd reading)
- At the name of Jesus/ Noel: King's Weston, Camberwell tunes
- And can it be that I should gain/ Wesley; contemporary version
- Stay with me/ Berthier (Taizé)
- Creighton: In Holy Week the cross, symbol of suffering, is transformed to a symbol of hope and love. From the psalm: the Lord is our Savior; let go of fear: we're safe in the arms of God. Mary understood the value of Christ in her life. Do I put first things first? All of this week and what Christ spoke of relate to forgiveness. The song Forgiveness by Matthew West reminds me forgiveness is the bottom line.
- One Bread One Body: Once Mary broke the jar of perfumed oil, there was no turning back; she wanted to give it all to Jesus. Am I giving my all to Jesus?
- DailyScripture.net: Mary's love and gift were extravagant. How do I show love and gratitude to God? "Give us, Lord, a lively faith, a firm hope, a fervent charity, a love of you. Take from us all lukewarmness.... Give us fervor and delight in thinking of you and your grace, your tender compassion towards me. The things we pray for,... give us grace to labor for." (St. Thomas More)
- USCCB reflections on 1st song of the Suffering Servant (1st reading)
- Moved to greater love to be united with Jesus in his Passion: How am I attentive to people's suffering? How am I moved/called to be an instrument of Christ’s love and peace? How am I attentive to the Lord today? +“Following Christ” from “A Fire that Kindles Other Fires” (SJ GC 35, Decree 2)
- "Scales" pin: God will establish justice (1st reading)
- "Hands" tie: "I have grasped you by the hand" (1st reading); 'Palm' Sunday (yesterday's celebration :-)
- "Clock" tie/bar: "Wait for the Lord" (psalm); “My time draws near”; "Peter, you couldn't keep watch with me one hour?" (Sunday gospel); countdown to Easter
- "?" tie pin, "coin" button: Judas: "Why wasn't the oil sold for 300 days' wages?" (gospel)
- Purple shirt: day's color (per ordo)
- "Wooden" suspenders: wood of the cross
Dress your life!
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