November 29, 2014: Saturday, 34th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Angel' pin: An angel showed me the river... (1st reading)
- 'Crystal' pin: ...sparkling like crystal; (1st reading)
- 'Tree' pin: the tree of life grew along its sides (1st reading)
- 'Clock' tie bar: “Behold, I am coming soon” (1st reading); last day of Church year
- 'Rock' tie pin: Acclaim the Rock of salvation (psalm)
- Blue shirt: river (1st reading), sea (psalm)
- 'Kneeling person' tie bar: servants will worship God (1st reading); let us kneel before the Lord (psalm); pray for strength (gospel)
- Green in clock tie bar, tree: Ordinary Time season ends today
For 1st reading (good transitions to Advent)
- Beams of heaven/ Tindley: choral version, lyrics+
- A child's song of heaven/ Nighswander (includes lyrics, sheet music, and tune)
- Maranatha alleluia/ Taizé
- Maranatha/ Whitaker (sheet music)
- Maranatha/ Chiusano (sheet music)
- Maranatha/ Westphal (sheet music)
- Maranatha/ Schoenbachler (sheet music)
- Come, O Lord/ Balhoff, Daigle, Ducote: You can sing verse and refrain simultaneously) More
For psalm
- Psalm 95: Come, worship the Lord/ Talbot
- If today you hear God's voice/ Haas
- If today you hear the voice of God/ Bolduc
For gospel
- There is a mighty question/ Gillette: link has lyrics and tune, or pick a 76.76 or 76.76D (shown as 76767676) tune such as Aurelia (as in The Church's One Foundation) here
- The spacious firmament on high/ Addison, Haydn (lyrics+)
Read"Turkey day" 2: He arrived in Istanbul, visited Grand Mufti at Sultan Ahmet (the "Blue Mosque"), paused there for silent reflection, then Hagia Sofia (basilica turned mosque, now museum), where he wrote in the Gold Book, “???a S?f?a t?? Te??” (Greek for “Holy Wisdom of God”) and "Quam dilecta tabernacula tua Domine (Psalmus 83)" (Latin for "How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord (Psalm 83)" and signed his name, then proceeded to pontifical delegation garden to meet Catholics and president of the bishops conference. Hear Vatican Radio podcast
- Rv 22:1-7 An angel showed me life-giving water, sparkling, flowing from God's throne, and the tree of life that produces fruit monthly. God's servants will look on his face; he'll give them light, and they'll reign forever. “I'm coming soon.”
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'Tree of life' from today's words (animate) |
- Ps 95:1-7ab "Marana tha! [mar'-?-nath'-? / mar-an'-a-tha'] Come, Lord Jesus!" Sing to the Lord; acclaim the Rock of our salvation. The Lord is a great God, king above all gods. The deep, mountains, sea, and land belong to him. Worship; kneel before our Maker; we're the flock he guides.
- Lk 21:34-36 “Don't let daily life make you drowsy. Be vigilant, and pray you have the strength to escape tribulations and stand before the Son of Man.”
- Creighton: We're invited to be with the Lord and warned he's coming. "I'm coming soon" could bring anxiety or joy. Imagine the surprise of an unexpected visit from a friend we haven't seen for a long time....
- Passionist: It's not easy to stay vigilant and read the signs of the times, living in the present moment! God's love flowing from the Cross is now. In the present I'm connected to God's love, others, and the earth. In being vigilant, we can be aware of who we are, who God is, and the our connection with God in creation.
- Greed, gluttony, addictions, and habits can weigh us down, but Jesus offers us freedom from sin, wasted life, unruly desires, and idolatry; he wants us to be ruled only by his love and truth and so choose good and reject evil. He warns us not to slack off / spiritually snooze. We can get caught up or weighed down, but he knows us and helps us stay the course. We can expect trouble; the devil will either get us to turn from Christ or try to distract us. May God rekindle the fire of love in me so I may be ready when he comes.
Wrapping up the year
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"Chi Rho" word cloud from the most often used words of the daily readings Dec. 1, 2013 - Nov. 29, 2014 Click to animate |
Today marks the 502nd post to Liturgical Dress. Thanks for your visits, comments, and other feedback! May we dress our whole lives, inside and out, to God's word in the coming year and beyond...
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