June 18, 2015: Thursday, 11th week, Ordinary Time
- 'Girl with heart' pin: God knows I love you! (1st reading); I'll thank the Lord with all my heart (psalm)
- 'Words' tie: Babbling pagans think they'll be heard because of their many words (gospel)
- 'Kneeling person' tie bar: Pray, "Our Father..." (gospel)
- 'Wheat' pin: Give us this day our daily bread (gospel)
- 'Plant' pin, green shirt: Pope Francis encyclical Laudato Sí
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season too
- Oops, forgot this one: 'Serpent' tie pin: As the serpent deceived Eve, your thoughts may be corrupted (1st reading)
- Russian Orthodox chant Our Father (gospel)
- Echo Our Father, from Communion Muse/ Garza (gospel)
- Our Father/ Malotte (gospel)
- Familiar Our Father chant (though sung more slowly and, unfortunately, less 'spoken on pitch') (gospel)
- Look it up/ Presley, Orrall: country song with verse about how hard it is for us to forgive ("forgiveness... It's what Jesus has in store for you, but I don't...") This Bailey/Lowe cover avoids the original's bad language. lyrics+ (gospel-inspired)
- All creatures of our God and King arr. Crowder, inspired by St. Francis's Canticle of the Sun: contrasting traditional Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Maranatha! "Celtic" versions; lyrics+
- Canticle of the sun/ Haugen
Pope Francis
About Laudato Sí: What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us? It's not just about the environment; we need to ask ourselves about the purpose of life, the goal of our efforts, why the earth needs us. The earth, our home, is like a sister we share our life with and a mother who embrace us. We're made up of her elements, breathe her air, and receive life from her waters.
Now earth, mistreated, is lamenting and groans with the world's forsaken. Listen, and have an “ecological conversion.” “Change direction” by caring for our common home. There's more sensitivity to the environment and protecting nature, and concern for what's happening to our planet. We can work together in building our common home, intervening positively. Though we're capable of the worst, we can rise above ourselves, choosing what's good, and making a new start. We know our responsibility within creation and duty towards nature and the Creator are essential to our faith. Enter into dialogue with people about our common home. Others have also expressed concern and offered reflections on ecology. The reflections of scientists, philosophers, theologians, and civic groups have enriched the Church’s thinking. Recognize the contribution religions can make towards an integral ecology and development of humanity.
The encyclical presents the current situation based on scientific findings, reviews the Bible and Judeo-Christian tradition, analyzes the problems of technocracy and excessive self-centeredness, proposes an integral ecology respecting human and social dimensions linked to the environmental question, proposes honest dialogue to build transparent decision-making processes, and recalls that a formed, responsible conscience is essential.
The encyclical addresses the relationship between the poor and the fragility of the planet, the connectedness of everything, the critique of new paradigms and forms of power derived from technology, the call to seek other ways of understanding the economy and progress, the value of each creature, the human meaning of ecology, the need for honest debate, international and local policies, throwaway culture, and the proposal of a new lifestyle.
[Encyclical walkthrough starts in this space tomorrow, but read the original.]Read
- 2 Cor 11:1-11 I'm jealous of you, since I betrothed you to present you to Christ, but I'm afraid your thoughts may be corrupted. If someone preaches a different Jesus, spirit, or gospel, you put up with it. Did I make a mistake when I humbled myself and preached the Gospel to you? When I was with you, I didn't burden you, and I won't. I won't silence my boast. God knows I love you!

- Ps 111:1b-4, 7-8 "Your works, O Lord, are justice and truth."
- Mt 6:7-15 “In praying, don't babble like pagans. Your Father knows what you need. Pray: ‘Our Father who art in heaven,... deliver us from evil.’ If you forgive others, your Father will forgive you, but if you don't, neither will your Father forgive you.”
- Creighton: As God's children, we inherit what belongs to our Father, but as adopted children, we may think we don't belong, so he gives us a Spirit of adoption that helps us relate to him, to approach with simplicity and humility, even when we don't know what to say or are angry or hurting. Our loving Father knows what we need before we ask.... Jesus teaches us to ask for our daily bread, for protection, for forgiveness. He wants us to forgive like him.
- One Bread One Body: "To know Jesus no matter what": To live as Christians, we must know Jesus intimately, but it's not easy: Paul accused the Corinthians of believing "another Jesus," and Jesus warned, "Many will impersonate me and deceive many," and at the end of the world, many will believe in a false Jesus. But God keeps revealing the true Jesus, and the Spirit bears witness to Jesus and proclaims he's Lord.
- Passionist: God knows us completely and wants our well-being but won't impose it. To Jesus prayer is about relationship, bringing yourself into our Father's presence. Sometimes words, from the heart, have their place. The Our Father expresses our dependence and relationship as the Father's children but also models all our praying; it orients us to praise God and express our longing that his kingdom come and influence our living. We're invited to pray to listen to and act on God's word, to express our needs, to receive and offer forgiveness....
- DailyScripture.net: "Your Father knows what you need": The Jews were devoted to prayer, but Jesus warned his disciples against formalism, teaching a prayer daring to call God Father and asking for what we need to live as his children.... God is kind and forgiving towards us and expects us to treat others the same. Holy Spirit. fill me with God's love, compassion, and mercy....
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