November 14, 2017: Tuesday, 32nd week, Ordinary Time
1st reading-inspired
- How bright these glorious spirits shine/ Watts, Klatzow: lyrics+
- Who are these like stars appearing?/ Schenk tr. Cox: lyrics+
- Justorum animæ/ Stanford (=Wis 3:1-3)
For Psalm 34
- The cry of the poor/ Foley: sheet music
- Psalm 34: The Lord hears the cry of the poor/ Celoni: sheet music
- Taste and see/ Hurd, Haugen, Moore, Vaughan Williams, Celoni
- Wis 2:23–3:9 God made us in his image. Those in the Devil's possession experience death, but the just are in God's hand, in peace. Their hope is full of immortality; they'll be blessed because God found them worthy. They'll shine, judge nations, and rule peoples; the Lord shall be their King forever. Those who trust him shall understand truth and abide with him in love....
- Ps 34:2-3, 16-19 "I will bless the Lord at all times." The Lord has eyes and ears for the just; he rescues them from distress. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted....

- Lk 17:7-10 "Would you say to your servant back from work in the field, ‘Come take your place at table,’ or ‘Make something for me to eat, wait on me, and eat when I'm finished'? When you've done what's been commanded, say, 'We're unprofitable servants; we've done our duty.’"
- Msgr. Jim Halley homily video: We don't have a claim on God, or need one. Respond to his gracious love by faithful service.
- The Prayer after Communion of St. Thomas Aquinas draws from today's gospel: "Thank you, Lord, for having been pleased to feed me, a sinner, your unworthy servant...."
- Creighton: Why is there suffering, and why do the just suffer? We have the capacity for joy, suffering, and everything in between. Joy can be ambushed by suffering at any time. Today’s gospel implicitly offers insight about proceed amidst suffering. Like “unprofitable servants” we are to to honor God by serving him. No torment shall touch us. We'll be at peace, blessed. “God has made me forget my troubles... and made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.”
- One Bread, One Body: "Thankful 'useless servants'": What a privilege to serve the Lord! One day serving in his courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. Don't focus on how much we're doing for him but how much he's doing for us by letting us serve. We're "useless servants"; he's our praiseworthy Lord and God. God doesn't owe us; we owe him everything. God didn't have to create, choose, save, or use us but did. "Serve the Lord with gladness."
- Passionist: There is a deep longing in the human soul to live on and to know our loved ones do too. We were formed to be “imperishable” in God's image. To support a grieving person, don’t be afraid to share old stories. Love, laugh, cry, and help them heal. The more you do, the more 'imperishable' you become, building a legacy of love and care.
Courtesy PreparingTheWay |
- "We've only done our duty": How unfair for the master to compel his servant to give more than what was expected! But we're called to serve God and neighbor selflessly and generously. We servants of God can never put God in our debt or claim God owes us anything. Service is both a voluntary act and a sacred duty. True love is sacrificial, generous, and selfless. God created us in love for love and fills our hearts with love that gives for the beloved's sake. God honors those who love and serve others...
- St. Dyfrig, monastery founder
- St. Laurenc O'Toole (Lorcán Ua Tuathail), bishop
- Beatified Martyrs of Clifton Diocese: 12 priests, 11 monks, 4 laymen, 1 laywoman
- Reading Martyrs: Hugh Cook Faringdon, Benedictine abbot; John Eynon, priest; prebendary John Rugge
- 'Hand' pin: The souls of the just are in God's hand,... (1st reading)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: peace. (1st reading)
- Gold-colored accessories: He proved them as gold in the furnace (1st reading)
- 'Crown' tie bar: The Lord shall be their King forever (1st reading)
- 'Eyeball' pin: The Lord has eyes for the just (psalm)
- 'Pierced hearts' suspenders: The Lord is close to the brokenhearted (psalm)
- 'Food' tie, 'silverware' tie bar: 'Wait on me while I eat and drink.'" (gospel)
- 'Sheep' tie bar: "Would you say to your servant back from tending sheep..." (gospel)
- Green shirt: Ordinary Time season
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