December 2, 2017

Dec. 2

December 2, 2017:  Saturday, 34th week, Ordinary Time

Congratulations and blessings,
golden jubilarian Sr. Kathleen Bryant, RSC!
See 10 connections with today?  Legend below

For gospel
For canticle
Pope Francis in Bangladesh
To young people:  Journey, don't wander, through life; move ahead with enthusiasm in good times and bad towards your God-given purpose.  See the world and its problems with wisdom:  See with God’s eyes, listen with God’s ears, love with God’s heart, and judge by God’s values. God's wisdom opens us up to others.  Look beyond personal comforts and false securities that blind us to ideals that make life beautiful and worthwhile.  God’s wisdom leads us to see the good of our culture.  Respect the elderly; they bridge the gap, ensure important values are passed down.  Through their words, love, affection, and presence, we realize we're part of an age-old journeying and that reality is bigger than we are.  Find in Jesus the solidarity of God, who constantly walks by our side.  God's wisdom reinforces our hope and helps us to face the future with courage.
To priests, consecrateds, and seminarians (live):  "From the house of Israel will be born a small shoot, it will grow, and with the Spirit of God will generate the spirit of wisdom, intelligence, science, knowledge.”  God is the sower, we the plant he causes to grow.  How can we water this seed?  How do we take care of the vocation we've received?  Human tenderness; if it's missing in our communities, priests, and parishes, the bud will wilt.  Watch out for division in your communities.  Gossip is like terrorism.  When you want to talk bad about someone, bite your tongue.  The worst that can happen is that you hurt yourself, but you won't hurt a brother or sister.  Keep a spirit of joy; without it we can't serve God.
To priests, consecrateds, and seminarians (prepared):  The rosary is a beautiful meditation on the mysteries of faith and a prayer that shapes our spiritual lives and service.  It inspires us to give our lives to Christ and to share in Mary’s attentiveness to God, Christ’s compassion for humanity, and the Church’s rejoicing: 
Mary's attentiveness:  As Mary responded to God in love and trust, respond to the Lord's call every day:  Be attentive to the Lord in prayer and discernment.  We can't bear Christ’s name or share his mission unless we're rooted in and fired by love through a personal encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist and Scripture.  Foster an intimate relationship with Jesus, experience his mercy, and find strength to serve others.  Attentiveness to the Lord allows us to see through his eyes, become sensitive to others' needs, understand their hopes, joys, fears, and burdens, see the gifts they bring to build the Church.  Help people satisfy their spiritual thirst.  Be a source of spiritual refreshment and inspiration, and enable them to share their gifts.
Christ’s compassion:  The rosary draws us to meditate on Jesus' Passion, to come to know his saving power and share it by lives of com-passion and self-giving.  Priesthood and religious life are a service, a share in Christ’s love for his flock.  Conform yourself daily to what you love.  Our lives are not our own; we no longer live, but Christ in us.  Accompany people, especially in their suffering and trial; help them find Jesus.  You're called to be a missionary, to bring Christ’s mercy and love to all, especially those on the peripheries.  Your service to those in need helps build a culture of encounter and solidarity.
The Church rejoicing:  The rosary fills us with joy in Christ’s triumph, his ascension, and the outpouring of the Spirit.  Proclaim the joy of the Gospel.  We're aware of people's problems and sufferings but never lose confidence in the power of Christ’s love to prevail.  Don't let challenges or your failures discourage you.  Stay attentive to the Lord and offer his compassion, and he'll fill you with the joy of his Spirit.  We're asked daily to renew and deepen our joy in the Lord by imitating him more fully.  It can seem daunting, but it fills us with joy.  Each day is an opportunity to begin again, to respond anew to the Lord.  Don't lose heart; the Lord’s patience is for our salvation.  Rejoice in the Lord!
    Everlasting kingship...
  • Dn 7:15-27  I, Daniel, asked what my vision meant.  "The beasts stand for kingdoms to arise.  The holy ones shall receive the kingship to possess forever.  The fourth kingdom shall devour the earth; the horns shall be its kings.  One shall speak against the Most High and oppress his holy ones.  But his power will be taken away and everlasting kingship of all given to the people of the Most High."
  • Dn 3:82-87  "Give glory and eternal praise to him."  All people, bless the Lord!
  • Lk 21:34-36  “Don't let daily life make you drowsy.  Be vigilant, and pray you have the strength to escape tribulations and stand before the Son of Man.”
Read about the CaliforniaBeachNun and her ministry
  • Church year wrap-up:  May we dress every aspect of our lives to God's word in the coming year and beyond...  BTW there are now over 1,580 Liturgical Dress posts.  Thanks for your visits, comments, and other feedback over the past 4+ years.
    • Creighton:  If we could live in slow motion, we'd notice small things, see the intricacies in flowers and faces, smell ordinary scents....  Jesus warns, “Beware your ears don't become drowsy,” and, “Be vigilant.”  These commands require us to slow down, to think, to do only what will take us closer to my heavenly goal.  Advent can be the antidote to the insane Christmas rush; it says “Slow down. Inviting God into your life, follow him, and find peace now and forever.”  If we don't slow down, we'll miss the message and promise.  If we slow down and reflect, we'll remain vigilant. Check out Creighton’s Advent resources.
    • One Bread, One Body:  "Set your watch":  On this last day of the Church year, the Lord commands us to watch and pray for strength to stand before the Son of Man, watch and abstain lest we become bloated, watch and obey the Lord, who delivers us from the wrath to come, watch and thank God the Father for everything in Christ's name, watch and rejoice always, watch and forgive, watch and witness, and watch and love.  He commands us to watch, for he's always with us, we're tempted by the devil looking for someone to devour, and the world could end at any time.  Be on the watch!
      Word cloud of the whole (A-I) church year's readings
    • Passionist:  If this were the last day of the calendar year, we'd be seeing the old year out and sharing our hopes for the new year.  “Where did the time go?  What were the highlights?”  Today, the last day of our liturgical year, ask, What was my year's spiritual journey like?  What progress did I make, what graces did I receive, what did I discern and decide?  What challenges did I face, and overcome? How have I become a more engaged Christian, anchored on Jesus Christ?  How have I witnessed to family and friends, at my workplace?  How can I grow spiritually in the coming year?  Can I convert past disappointments into future challenges?  Will those who love and count on me be rewarded?  What does God expect of me, that I am not fulfilling?
    •  "Lest your hearts be weighed down":  Things can weigh us down, but our Lord offers us true freedom, from sin, wasted life, unruly desires, and disordered passions.  Jesus wants us to be ruled only by his love and truth that enables us to choose good and to reject evil.  Jesus warns us not to slack off, not to become idle, lazy, indifferent, distracted, or inattentive to God.  He knows our struggles, weaknesses, and shortcomings and assures us we don't need to carry our burdens alone....
    Dress legend
    • 'Eyeball' pin:  Daniel, terrified by the visions (1st reading)
    • 'Lion' pin:  4 great beasts (1st reading)
    • 'Car with teeth' pin:  4th beast with iron teeth... (1st reading)
    • 'Feet' pin:  ...trampling with its feet (1st reading)
    • 'Horns' tie:  Horns on beast's head (1st reading)
    • 'Crown' tie bar, 'clocks' suspenders:  The time came when the holy ones possessed the kingdom, 10 kings (1st reading)
    • 'Heart' pin:  Humble hearts, bless the Lord (canticle); don't let your heart become drowsy... (gospel)
    • 'Catcher's mitt' pin:  ...or let the day 'catch' you by surprise (gospel)
    • Green shirt, 'clocks' suspenders:  Ordinary Time season, ending today

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