September 2, 2013

Labor Day

September 2, 2013: Monday, 22nd week, Ordinary Time (and Labor Day)

  • 1 Thes 4:13-18  Hope; don't grieve:  God will raise the dead.  Lord will come; the dead will rise; we'll meet the Lord.
  • Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13  "The Lord comes to judge the earth."  Sing to Lord; tell wonders; let heavens, earth, sea, plains, trees exult.  Lord is great, awesome, praiseworthy; made heavens; comes to rule earth with justice.
  • Lk 4:16-30  Jesus went into synagogue, read Isaiah:  "Lord's Spirit is upon me, anointed/sent me to the poor, captives, blind, oppressed. "  “Today this is fulfilled in your hearing.”  “No prophet is accepted in his native place."  Fury-filled people drove him out, tried to hurl him; he passed through and went away.

Music (Feel free to comment with other related music!)
  • Great is the Lord (Mission Hymn)/ Toolan, from Living Waters, the same collection that introduced her I am the Bread of Life (gospel)

Scales:  Lord comes to rule with justice (psalm)
  • Dove:  Spirit of the Lord (gospel, quoting Isaiah 61)
  • Piano:  [accompaniment for] singing to the Lord (psalm)
(I thought I had a trumpet but can't find it.)
Wordle: Readings 9-2-13
Today's word cloud

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