September 21, 2013

St. Matthew

September 21, 2013:  St. Matthew, Apostle and evangelist, feast

    Wordle: Readings 9-21-13
  • Eph 4:1-7, 11-13  Live worthy of your call, with humility, gentleness, patience, love, unity, peace, hope.  One Lord, faith, baptism, God, Father gave each of us grace to be Apostles, prophets, evangelists, or pastors/teachers, for ministry, unity, faith, knowledge of Son.
  • Ps 19:2-5  "Their message goes out through all the earth."  Heavens declare God's glory, handiwork.
  • Mt 9:9-13  Jesus to Matthew:  “Follow me.”  He followed.  Tax collectors and sinners sat with Jesus.  Pharisees:  “Why?”  “The sick need a physician.  I came to call sinners.”

Music, including two oratorio choruses

More about Regional Congress
I'll be at "Ancient texts, new technology:  Integrating the internet and popular media with biblical studies" (Crehan) and "Preparing liturgies for children" (Sieverding) (besides practicing melodion and accordion :-), but there are tens of other sessions.  It's not too late to show up and learn and sing with us:


  • Red shirt, for feast (and also Korean martyrs, since I'm playing for a celebration later today)
    • Medical pin:  sick people need a physician (gospel)
    • Telephone tie bar:  their message goes out through all the earth (psalm)
    • Hearts suspenders:  live in love (1st reading)

    HTML tutorialA choir member recently asked me how to subscribe to this blog so she could see daily posts in her feed reader dashboard.  The "subscribe to posts" button on the right doesn't work well for everyone, and even instructions acknowledge that subscribing is a weakness of the feed system.  When you visit this blog, if your browser lights up a feed icon in the toolbar, you can click it to subscribe, or you can click on the one starting this paragraph, or just click here to subscribe.  (Incidentally, the feed system is known as RSS, for "rich site summary," but it's usually called "really simple syndication."  How ironic.)

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