October 3, 2013: Thursday, 26th week, Ordinary Time
- Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12 People called on Ezra for book of Law. Ezra read and interpreted; they were attentive. “Rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength!” People understood, celebrated.
- Ps 19:8-11 "The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart." Lord's law/command is perfect, refreshing, trustworthy, right, clear, pure, true, just, precious, sweet.
- Lk 10:1-12 Jesus sent 72 disciples in pairs like lambs among wolves: “The harvest is abundant but laborers few. Travel light. Cure the sick. Say, ‘Kingdom of God is at hand.’"
- The Joy of the Lord is my strength/ Alliene G. Vale (1st reading) (lyrics/chords)
- Lord, You have the words/ David Haas (psalm)
- Thy Word/ Amy Grant (psalm)
- Come with me into the fields/ Dan Schutte (gospel)
- RC.net: What does God want me to reap now? Focus. How be a lamb?
- Creighton: Trust God. Cut losses. God gave law as way to good, health, happiness, flourishing, peace. St. Francis Borgia, SJ: humble, generous, intimate with Jesus.
- Universalis: Sussex martyrs, Thomas Cantilupe
- Sacred Space
- Respect Life Week continues, links to Hope in time of poverty and more
- "Musical notes" tie and suspenders (thanks, Joan!): people celebrating with joy (1st reading)
- Owl tie pin: Lord's decree gives wisdom to the simple (psalm)
- Heart of Claddagh tie pin: Lord's precepts rejoice the heart (psalm)
- "Eyeball" tie pin: Lord's command enlightens the eye (psalm)
- "Harvested wheat" pin: "The harvest is plenty" (gospel)
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