October 18, 2013: St. Luke, evangelist
- 2 Tm 4:10-17b Only Luke remains. Others deserted me, but the Lord stood by me, so that through me all might hear.
- Ps 145:10-13, 17-18 "Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your Kingdom." Let your works tell of your glory, might, eternal Kingdom. Lord is just. holy, near.
- Lk 10:1-9 Jesus sent 72 disciples in pairs like lambs among wolves: “The harvest is abundant but laborers few. Go cure the sick; travel light. Say, ‘God's Kingdom is at hand.’"
- Pope Francis 10/17 homily: Prayer is the key that opens door to faith. If you don't pray, your knowledge of Jesus can become Jesus-free ideology that chases people away. Praying ≠ saying prayers; speak with Jesus heart to heart.
- Creighton: Luke, patron of physicians, artists, students... Journey with God and receive strength. Recognize God in our lives; share.
- RC.net: May the gospel transform me that I may spread your truth and love.
- Universalis: Luke: doctor, convert, historian...
- Their sound is gone out, from Messiah/ Handel (psalm)
- How lovely are the messengers, from St. Paul/ Mendelssohn (today's feast; based on Romans 10:15)
- Come with me into the fields/ Dan Schutte (gospel)

- Claddagh tie pin: crown for God's Kingdom (psalm, gospel), heart for prayer from heart (Pope's homily)
- "Kneeling person" tie bar: pray to open door (Pope's homily)
- "Children around the world" tie: go out into the world, not alone (gospel)
- Red shirt: today's color
- "Harvested wheat" pin: "The harvest is plenty" (gospel)
- "Hearts" suspenders: speak with Jesus heart-to-heart (Pope's homily)
Dress your life!
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