December 3, 2013: St. Francis Xavier, priest
- Is 11:1-10 A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse. The Lord's Spirit shall rest upon him: of wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, fear of the Lord. He'll judge the poor and afflicted with justice. World will be in harmony; earth shall be filled with knowledge of the Lord. Gentiles will seek out the root of Jesse.
- Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 "Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever." The king shall govern with justice, rescuing the poor and afflicted.
- Lk 10:21-24 Jesus: “Praise to you, Father, for revealing to the childlike things hidden from the wise. Only those the Son wishes know the Father.” To disciples: “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.”
- Homily: We think of Jesus preaching and healing but not smiling or joyful, but he was full of joy, and he gives us his interior joy, and it's true peace: not static or quiet but joyful. Our joy lies in proclaiming Jesus. Peace is moving, joyful, noisy in praise, and bears fruit through evangelization. God gives us this joy of evangelizing, announcing Jesus Christ.
- Gospel Joy 1.IV (Evangelii Gaudium drill-down), continuing Chapter 1 of Pope Francis's exhortation (a series):
Exegetes, theologians, other sciences, and differing currents of thought in philosophy, theology and pastoral practice can all help the Church grow in her understanding. Let’s renew our forms of expression to transmit Gospel truth more effectively. Teachers' lives must reflect their teaching. Reexamine customs not directly connected to the heart of the Gospel that no longer communicate the Gospel well. In reforming the Church, consider that some rules may no longer be helpful for shaping lives. Accompany people with mercy and patience in their stages of growth. The confessional must be an encounter with God's mercy that spurs us on; a small step can be more pleasing to God than a life not confronting difficulties. Everyone needs to be touched by God’s saving love. Evangelization works within the limits of language and circumstances, communicating the Gospel in specific contexts. A missionary heart makes itself “weak with the weak... everything for everyone.” Not rigid or defensive, it grows in understanding and discernment and does what good it can, even if its shoes get soiled by the mud of the street. (1.IV, 40-45; pp. 34-39)
- Creighton: Peace requires outside help, is linked with justice for the poor. In Advent, face promise/fulfillment gap; hope for peace, Lord's manifestation.
- Pride is the root of sin; humility, the soil where grace takes root, allowing God to work. and disposes us to receive God's wisdom, grace, and help.
- Universalis: St. Francis Xavier: Jesuit priest, missionary to India, Japan, China
- Marian retreat, day 29: St. Louis de Montfort recap: passion (zeal for Christ), baptism (renew our promises; bring grace to fulfillment), self-gift
- Lord, every nation on earth will adore you/ Parker: audio, sample sheet music; I won't post my adaptation of the tune to today's "Justice shall flourish" antiphon out of respect for the ICEL and Parker copyrights, but it's straightforward. (psalm)
- By all your saints still striving, with St. Francis Xavier verse/ Wesley, Nelson, Hartley (sheet music) (audio but without SFX verse) (saint)
- Lamb tie bar; bear tie pin, lion and cow pins: wolf as lamb's guest, calf and lion browsing together, cow and bear grazing, lion eating hay (1st reading re Messianic peace)
- Tree pin: stump of Jesse (1st reading) [so it's not the same tree...]
- "Scales of justice" pin: judgment (1st reading, psalm)
- Peace-sign tie bar: Peace shall flourish (psalm)
- Tie with children: child will guide them (1st reading), the childlike (gospel)
- White shirt: color of day (St. Francis Xavier)
Dress your life!
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