January 15
January 15, 2014: Wednesday, 1st week, Ordinary Time
- 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20 While Samuel and Eli were asleep. the Lord called Samuel, who answered, “Here I am” and ran to Eli: “You called. ” Eli answered, “I didn't; go back to sleep.” Again God called Samuel, who went to Eli, who answered, “No; go to sleep.” The Lord called Samuel a third time, and he again went to Eli, who now understood God was calling him and said, “If you're called again, reply, ‘Speak, Lord; your servant is listening.’” The Lord called again, and Samuel so answered. Samuel grew; the Lord was with him. Israel came to know Samuel as a prophet.
- Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10 "Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will." I have waited for the Lord, and he heard my cry. Blessed those who trust the Lord. You didn't want oblation but gave me ears open to obedience. To do your will is my delight.
- Mk 1:29-39 Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. Jesus helped her up, and the fever left her. They brought him all who were ill or possessed; he cured many. He rose early to pray, then went to preach and heal throughout Galilee.
Pope Francis
- Audience: Through baptism we are born to the new life of grace, we become members of Christ’s body, the Church, and we're called to be “missionary disciples,” witnesses of the Gospel. There's a close bond between our baptism, our responsibility to live it out in our families and parishes, and our mission to bring the Gospel to others.
- More on Baptism: Whoever receives Baptism is incorporated in Christ and the community of the faithful and becomes a member of a People on a journey handing down the faith. Baptism transmits grace from generation to generation, like a river irrigating land. You are a link in the chain of transmission of the faith. We become missionary disciples, called to transmit to the world the faith you've received. faith. All in the Church, the littlest and the Pope, are disciples and missionaries.
The mystical and the missionary natures of our call are rooted in Baptism: we accept the Spirit's action leading us to confess Jesus, and we're called to evangelize—to live and transmit communion with the Trinity. No one is saved alone; we're the People of God and in this community experience a love that precedes us all and calls us to be channels of grace. Community is integral to Christian life and witness: the faith is born and lives in the Church, and in Baptism we celebrate the incorporation of new members in Christ and his Body the Church.
Evangelization and the deeper understanding of the kerygma: The Lord’s missionary mandate includes a call to growth, ongoing formation, and maturation in faith, taking seriously God’s plan for our lives. Growth isn't primarily doctrinal formation; it's responding to God's love through virtue and loving one another. Christian life is a journey of growth in love. God's gift precedes our response and growth. The Father’s gift which makes us his children, and his grace, enable sanctification that gives glory to God and transformation in Christ through a life lived in the Spirit. (3.IV, 160-162, pp. 127-129)
- Creighton: Let Christ’s birth continue to transform us. We need to hear and respond to God’s promptings in our lives. Listen to and act on God's whispers, as Samuel and Jesus did.
- RC.net: The disciples brought their troubles to Jesus. Jesus is in our midst, offering himself. Do I allow him to be my Lord, heal me, and restore me to service and care of others?
- Telephone tie bar: The Lord 'called' Samuel (1st reading) and the psalmist.
- "Children around the world" tie: By baptism we become God's children and are called to bring the Gospel to the world (Pope's audience and catechesis)
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