January 23, 2014

January 23

January 23, 2014:  Thursday, 2nd week, Ordinary Time

  • 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7  After David slayed Goliath, women met King Saul singing, “Saul has slain thousands, and David ten thousands.”  Saul became jealous and told his son Jonathan his plans to kill David; Jonathan warned David.  Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul, Saul swore not to kill him, and Jonathan told David and brought him to Saul.
    Wordle: Readings 1-23-14
  • Ps 56:2-3, 9-13  "In God I trust; I shall not fear."  Have mercy on me; many fight against me.  You rescued me that I may walk before you.
  • Mk 3:7-12  People came to Jesus from all around.  He had cured many, and many pressed to touch him.  Unclean spirits shouted, “You are the Son of God.”
Pope Francis
  • "Communication at the Service of an authentic Culture of Encounter," World Communications Day message just released (though the day isn't till June 1):  Be open to encounter the lives and truth of others. Effective witness respectfully engages people with their questions and doubts.  Technology must help us promote encounters with people and ideas different from ours.  Be ready to give and receive.  The internet, though it can isolate people, can also encourage encounter, solidarity, and unity.  Respond to technological challenges with energy and imagination.  See yourself as a neighbor responsible for others.  Keep digital doors open to people hurting and looking for hope and salvation.  [Stay tuned here for more about this message.]
  • Homily:  Saul’s joy turns to jealousy when he sees women praising David, and he, like Cain, decides to kill.  Jealousy can't tolerate your having something I don't; Saul withdraws and becomes bitter.  Jealousy opens the door to evil and divides the community; when some suffer from this poison, the community is divided.  It breeds bitterness and rumors.  The worm of jealousy has divided and destroyed thriving communities and brought sadness, resentment, and gossip.  Pray the seed of jealousy won't be sown between us, so we may praise God with joy.
Church on social questions:  The Church’s pastors have the right to offer opinions on all that affects people’s lives; don't claim religion is only to prepare for heaven.  God wants us to be happy in this world too, so Christian conversion demands reviewing areas of life related to society and the common good. 
No one can demand religion be relegated to personal life, not influencing society, events, or civil institutions.  Faith involves transmitting values and leaving the world better.  We love this planet and the human family; we're called to fight for justice and build a better world.  Our social thought is primarily positive, offering proposals, working for change, and pointing to hope, uniting our commitment to those of other churches and communities.  
I recommend the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.  We have no monopoly on interpretation of reality or proposing solutions; analyze your own situation.  I believe two fundamental issues will shape the future:  inclusion of the poor in society, and peace and social dialogue.  (4.I, 182-85, pp. 144-47) 
    • Creighton:  Jonathan reminded his jealous dad to trust in the Lord and not be afraid.  Who in our lives reminds me?  How am I called to remind others?
    • RC.net:   What holds me back from giving myself unreservedly to God? How do I respond to his word?

    • "Sword" tie pin:  Saul's and David's slayings (1st reading), God's word as sword (Heb 4:12, Eph 6:17) (relating to World Communications Day messages; see here for all 48)
    • "Medical" pin:  Jesus cured many (gospel)
    • "Cyberspace" tie (World Communications Day message)
    • Green in shirt, tie, suspenders (and socks):  Ordinary Time (season) 
    Dress your life!

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