January 1, 2014


January 1, 2014:  Mary, Mother of God / World Day of Peace


  • Nm 6:22-27  Lord to Moses:  Bless like this:  The Lord bless you, keep you, shine on you, be gracious to you, look on you kindly, and give you peace!
  • Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8  "May God bless us in his mercy."  May all exult and know your salvation; you rule justly and guide us.
    Wordle: Readings 1-1-14
  • Gal 4:4-7  God sent his Son to ransom those under the law, so we might receive adoption.  God sent the Spirit into our hearts, crying, “Papa!”  So you're not slaves but children and heirs.
  • Lk 2:16-21  The shepherds found Mary, Joseph, and the baby, then shared the message they were told; all were amazed.  Mary reflected on these things.   The shepherds praised God.  The child was given the name Jesus, the name the angel gave before he was conceived.
Pope Francis
  • Homily:  The blessing prayer given to Moses are words of strength, courage and hope; the hope was realized first in Mary, who became Mother of God.  Mary has always been in the hearts and faith of Christians.  Our journey of faith is the same as Mary's, so we feel close to her; it's been linked to her ever since Jesus gave her to us as our Mother.  When the disciples' faith was tested, Jesus entrusted them to Mary, whose faith never failed.  When she lost her Son, she became our Mother; her heart made room for everyone, and she loves us as she loved him.  The woman who at the wedding at Cana cooperated that God's wonders could be displayed, at the Cross kept faith in the Resurrection alive, and she communicates it with affection to everyone.  Mary is a source of hope and joy, and she strengthens us in faith, vocation, and mission.  By her example of humility and openness, she helps us proclaim our faith with joy.  Let us entrust to her our journey of faith, our hearts' desires, and all our needs.
  • World Day of Peace message (beginning):  Fraternity: the Foundation and Pathway to Peace:  We're relational, longing for fraternity drawing us to others and to see them as brothers and sisters.  Fraternity is essential to a just society and a solid peace; it's learned in the family.  Interconnections in the world make us aware of our unity and common destiny.  In history, we see the call to form an accepting and caring community, but today many ignore or deny that call; “globalization of indifference” deafens us to others' suffering.  There are grave offenses against the rights to life and to religious freedom.  Being neighbors doesn't make us brothers; inequality, poverty and injustice are signs both of lack of fraternity and t also of the absence of a culture of solidarity.  Individualism, egocentrism, and materialism weaken bonds and fuel a “throwaway” mentality leading to abandonment of the weakest.  Ethics alone can't produce fraternity, since fraternity not founded on a common Father can't last.
All people are descended from common parents, created in God's image.  Cain’s murder of Abel out of jealousy bears witness to his rejection of their vocation to be brothers, taking care of each other.  We have an inherent call to community, reciprocity, and self-giving but also the capacity to betray it through selfishness.
  • Angelus:  Today we celebrate Mary, Mother of God and the World Day of Peace.  We must respect and take care of each other and accept our differences; we must also work to build a more just society.  May God lead us to justice and peace, so all may open up to the tenderness and weakness of the Child Jesus.  May reconciliation prevail.  May the Gospel help enemies recognize each other as brothers.
    • Creighton:  We need Mary, our Advocate, Guide, Model, Mother, Sister, and Friend; she hears our prayers and prays for us.  Follow her example, reflecting on God's words and deeds.
    • RC.net:   To the Jewish people, a name represented the person's deep reality and future.  Mary's newborn was named Jesus, "the Lord saves."
    Roamin' Catholic report reappears

    Last night's vigil Mass:  Presider led singing; no cantor or instruments.  No responsorial psalm or hymns either, but he sang prayers and Mass parts (Glory to God, Alleluia, Preface dialogue, Mystery of faith, and Great Amen, plus Sanctus in Latin), he gave a good homily on the readings (but not Mary), and people sang.


    • "Peace sign" tie bar (World Day of Peace)
    • "Blessed Mother blue" windbreaker (Mary, Mother of God)
    Dress your life!

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