February 27, 2014: Thursday, 7th week, Ordinary Time

- Jas 5:1-6 You rich, wail over your impending miseries. The wages you withheld are crying out; the cries have reached the Lord. You've murdered the righteous one.
- Ps 49:14-20 "Blessed are the poor in spirit; the Kingdom of heaven is theirs!" Fear not when one grows rich; when he dies, he'll take none of it. God will redeem me.
- Mk 9:41-50 Anyone who gives you water because you belong to me won't lose his reward. If your hand, foot, or eye causes you to sin, cut it off; better to live without it than be thrown into the fire. Keep salt in yourselves and you'll have peace with each other.
- Homily at today's Confirmation Mass: The confirmed manifest desire to be Christian, to bear witness to Christ, to think, feel, and act Christian. If one of these things is missing, it's wrong; Christians living in inconsistency/incoherence do harm. James says, ‘The wages you withheld are crying out.’ Inconsistency gives scandal, and scandal kills. When people say, ‘I don't believe in the Church; you say one thing and do another,’ it's about inconsistency. When in atheists' presence you bear witness of Christian life (vs. arguing for God's existence), something works in their hearts, a restlessness on which the Spirit works. Consistency is a grace; pray for it. When we fall, let's humbly ask for forgiveness; he never tires of forgiving! Live in Christian coherence, the witness of believers who know they're sinners and ask for forgiveness.
- To Focolare bishops: Society needs witness of life showing love of one another. Reciprocal love among Christians is a powerful evangelizing tool; people who realize it's possible and can transform relationships feel drawn to [re]discover Christ and to be involved in the Church. Make the Church the home and school of communion.
- Creighton: What do we love? Works of justice are a harder sell than works of mercy.
- One Bread One Body: Go to extremes to resist temptation.
- Doers of the word/ Peek (1st reading, homily)
- The Beatitudes/ Pärt (psalm)
- Beatitudes Orthodox chant (psalm)
- You are blessed/ Collins, Hoffman (psalm)
- See yesterday for more "beatitunes"
- Gold- and silver-colored accessories: "your gold and silver are corroded" (1st reading)
- Scales pin: your injustice cries out to God (1st reading)
- Sheep tie bar: "like sheep they're herded into the nether world" (psalm)
- Stone tie pin: it would be better if a millstone were put around the neck of one who causes others to sin (gospel)
- "Eyeball" tie pin: if your eye causes you to sin... (gospel)
- "Hands" tie: if your hand causes you to sin... (gospel)
- Shot-putter (bowler?) tie pin (feet visible): if your foot causes you to sin... (gospel)
- "Peace sign" tie bar: keep salt... and you'll have peace (gospel)
- Blue shirt: whoever gives you water will be rewarded (gospel)
- Green in suspenders: Ordinary Time (season)
Dress your life!
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