March 7, 2014: Friday after Ash Wednesday
- Is 58:1-9a On your fast day you quarrel and carry out your own pursuits. The fast I want is releasing those bound unjustly, setting the oppressed free, sharing your bread, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, and caring for your own. Then you'll have light, healing, and vindication, and God will answer you.
- Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19 "A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn." Have mercy on me.
- Mt 9:14-15 John's disciples / Jesus: “Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but not your disciples?” / “Wedding guests can't mourn while the groom is among them, but when he's taken away, they will fast.”
- Yesterday's homily: Jesus followed the way of the Cross, a journey of humiliation, denying oneself, and rising. The Christian style takes the Cross with Jesus and goes forward. Jesus' style of self-denial and servanthood will save us, give us joy, and make us fruitful. Denying oneself gives life; it's opposed to selfishness, to attachment to things for myself alone. This lifegiving path is open to others. The Christian style is humility, mildness, meekness. Following Jesus in the style of Jesus is a source of joy. Be generous: give life to others. Selfishness makes us want to appear important, but “love to be unknown and considered as nothing” (à Kempis). Going with Jesus is our joy and fruitfulness.
- Creighton: Fasting while remaining selfish is unacceptable. Share with the hungry... Repentance should be about seeking healing of the wounds we inflict on ourselves and others. Our sacrifice should be a humble heart that trusts God to heal us. Jesus reaches out and calls us to follow him.
- One Bread One Body: If King David could humble himself, why not I? God won't spurn one who approaches Him with a contrite heart. Fasting can quiet the world and make your prayer heard. Asking for forgiveness opens us to the Lord's healing and to those hurting and in need. We're God's hands and feet.
- Universalis: SS. Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs
- Attend and mark the solemn fast/ Logan (1st reading)
- "Angel with trumpet" pin: "lift up your voice like a trumpet blast" (1st reading)
- "Wheat" pin: share your bread with the hungry (1st reading)
- "Telephone" tie bar: you'll call and the Lord will answer (1st reading)
- Hearts suspenders: you won't spurn a contrite heart (psalm)
Dress your life!
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