March 10, 2014: Monday, 1st week of Lent
- Lv 19:1-2, 11-18 Be holy; fear the Lord. Don't steal, lie, swear falsely, defraud or rob, withhold wages, or curse the deaf or blind. Judge justly, not dishonestly or with bias. Don't spread slander. Don't hate in your heart, hold a grudge, or take revenge. Love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
- Ps 19:8-10, 15 "Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life." The law of the Lord is perfect, trustworthy, clear, true, and just. May I find favor with you, O Lord.
- Mt 25:31-46 The Son of Man will separate people, saying to the righteous, ‘Come, you blessed; inherit the kingdom, for when I was in need you fed me, gave me drink, welcomed me, clothed me, cared for me, and visited me.’ / ‘When?’ / ‘What you did for the least, you did for me.’ Then he'll say to the rest, ‘Depart from me, for when I was in need, you didn't feed me, give me drink, welcome, clothe, or care for me.’ / ‘When?’ / ‘What you didn't do for the least ones, you didn't do for me.’ They'll go to punishment; the righteous to life.
- Retreat: He began a week-long retreat with his staff on "the purification of the heart." Silence and prayer can transform our life and relationships. “Everyone has a right to spend five days in silence and meditation." Those who go on an authentic retreat experience the attraction and fascination of God and return renewed and transfigured in their lives, ministry, and their relationships."
- Retreat on the Spirituality of Pope Francis (given last fall)
- Creighton: If we remain in Christ, we'll bear the fruit of serving the least of our brothers and sisters. Prayer, reflect on his words, participate in the sacraments, and he'll empower us to follow through.
- One Bread One Body: Forgive: the context for "love your neighbor as yourself" is "Take no revenge and cherish no grudge."
- Passionist: How can I serve the least: waste less and help feed the hungry, use less water, support "safety net" legislation, bring respect and hope to those in prison, reach out to immigrants...?
- Universalis: St. John Ogilvie, Jesuit priest and martyr
- I was hungry/ Marchionda (gospel)
- Whatsoever you do/ Jabusch (gospel)
- Servant song/ Gillard (composer-sung; note differences) (gospel)
- Lord, you have the words/ Haas (psalm)
- Lord, you have the words/ Haugen (psalm)
- Jesus, tempted in the desert/ Stuempfle (lyrics) (Sunday)
- 40 Days: the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness/ Oltean (Sunday)

- Scales of justice tie: judge justly (1st reading); Last Judgment (gospel)
- "Stone" tie pin: Lord, my Rock (psalm); breadify these stones (Sunday gospel)
- Sheep tie bar: Lord will separate sheep from goats (gospel)
- "Hearts" suspenders: God's precepts rejoice the heart (psalm); create a clean heart... (Sunday)
- Blue~purple shirt: I was thirsty and you gave me drink (gospel), Lent (season)
Dress your life!
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