March 26, 2014: Wednesday, 3rd week of Lent

- Dt 4:1, 5-9 Moses: “Observe these statutes, live, and take the land God is giving you. All will say, ‘This nation is a wise and intelligent people, close to the Lord.’ Don't forget what you've seen; teach your children.”
- Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20 "Praise the Lord, Jerusalem." He's strengthened your gates, blessed your children, proclaimed his word and statutes to you like no other.
- Mt 5:17-19 “I came not to abolish the law and prophets but to fulfill them. Whoever breaks the least commandment will be called least in the Kingdom, but whoever obeys and teaches the commandments will be called great.”
- Creighton: God’s laws are a source of joy; they point us to reconciliation, justice, and life that comes from God.
- One Bread One Body: As Christ's followers, we obey his law carefully, in detail, exactly, joyfully, thankfully, and with delight—not scrupulously or begrudgingly—because we love him. When we fail, God's forgiveness awaits us.
- Jesus loved God's law of love and taught reverence for it but condemned the scribes' accretions.
Pope Francis
- Audience: Building on the vocation received in the sacraments of initiation–Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist–Holy Orders and Matrimony correspond to two specific vocations and two ways of following Christ and building up the Church. Holy Orders (bishop, priest, deacon) is the sacrament of pastoral ministry. Jesus entrusted his Apostles with care of his flock; the ordained make Christ the Shepherd present in the community, leading it as servants. Theirs must be lives of passionate love for the Church for which the Lord gave himself, and they must constantly renew the grace and joy of their ordination through prayer, penance, and the Eucharist. Pray for all the Church’s ministers, and ask God for holy, generous, and merciful pastors.
- Owl tie pin: observe law; give evidence of your wisdom (1st reading)
- Children with school bus tie: teach your children (1st reading); teach the commandments (gospel)
- "Letter" tie bar: not the smallest letter or part of a letter will pass from the law (gospel)
- Purple shirt: Lenten season
Dress your life!
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