March 27, 2014: Thursday, 3rd week of Lent

Pope Francis
- Jer 7:23-28 I commanded, "Listen; walk in my ways," but they walked in the hardness of their evil hearts. This is the nation that does not listen to the voice of the Lord or take correction. Faithfulness has disappeared...
- Ps 95:1-2, 6-9 "If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts." Sing to the Lord our God, the Rock of our salvation. Worship; kneel before our Maker. He shepherds us.
- Lk 11:14-23 Some said, “Jesus drives out demons by Beelzebul's power”; others asked him for a sign. He said, “If Satan is divided, how will his kingdom stand?... Whoever is not with me is against me.”
Pope Francis
- Homily: The people's hearts became hardened so much, they couldn't hear God. They became corrupt, resisting the Lord's love and salvation, sliding from a path of divine freedom to one of necessity, with no room for God. God loves us all and that we must open up to him. Think about the Lord's invitation to love and true freedom, and ask, am I on this path, or do I risk justifying myself on another path?
- One Bread One Body: Where am I hardened? Jesus can soften.
- God offers grace, peace, and protection to all who trust and obey him. Jesus overcame evil through his obedience to the Father. Is the Lord my Master?
- Passionist: If I'm not actively pursuing the Kingdom, I'm working against it.
- Universalis: St. John of Egypt, monk
- If today you hear God's voice/ Haas (psalm, 1st reading)
- Stand up, stand up for Jesus/ Duffield: Davis, Choral, Promise Keepers (gospel)
- Trust and obey/ Sammis, Towner: Moon, Davis
- "Hearts" suspenders: They walked in the hardness of their evil hearts (1st reading); If you hear God, don't harden your heart (psalm)
- "Rock" tie pin: acclaim the Rock of our salvation (psalm)
- "Kneeling person" tie bar: kneel before the one who made us (psalm)
- "Sheep" tie bar: we're the flock he guides (psalm)
- "Signs" tie: some asked Jesus for a sign from heaven (gospel)
- Purple shirt: Lent (season)
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