March 28, 2014: Friday, 3rd week of Lent

- Hos 14:2-10 Return to the Lord, your God; say, “Forgive all iniquity, and receive what's good. We'll abandon our idolatry. You save and show compassion.” I'll heal and love them and turn away my wrath, says the Lord. I've humbled but will prosper them; they'll bear fruit! The Lord's paths are straight; the just walk in them, but sinners stumble.
- Ps 81:6c-11b, 14, 17 "I am the Lord your God: hear my voice." “I freed, rescued, answered, tested, and admonished you.” I am your God; hear me, worship me alone, and walk in my ways, and I'll feed and fill you.”
- Mk 12:28-34 Scribe/Jesus: “What's the greatest commandment?” / “The Lord our God is Lord alone! Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second: love your neighbor as yourself. No commandment is greater.” / “Well said. Loving God and neighbor is worth more than all offerings and sacrifices.” / “You're not far from the Kingdom.”
- Homily: God longs for us when we distance ourselves from him. Even when God invites us to conversion and uses stern words, the words include loving longing and the Father's exhortation: “Come back; it's time to come home.” Our Father doesn't tire of waiting. God waited for centuries, with so much apostasy among the people, and always returns. In the Prodigal Son parable, the father saw the son from afar because he was waiting for him. When he saw him, he rushed out to embrace him. If you want to know the Father's tenderness, go to him. We tire in asking for forgiveness, but he doesn't tire of forgiving. God loves and doesn't know how to do otherwise. Jesus' miracles were a sign of the great miracle the Lord does with us whenever we go to him. When people return to God, God holds a banquet, like the father of the prodigal son. Everyone who approaches God will find the joy of the feast.
- Meeting with President Obama: They hope that in areas of conflict there would be respect for humanitarian and international law and negotiated solutions. They discussed questions of relevance for the Church in the US, such as immigration reform and exercise of rights to religious freedom, life, and conscientious objection. They're committed to eradicate human trafficking.
- Creighton: Do my thoughts, words, and actions line up, and point others to God? Love of neighbor is a compelling embodiment of our love of God.
- One Bread One Body: When we try to love ourselves and express love for others through forgiveness, service, and suffering, we see how authentic our love of God is.
- Hosea called his people, tempted to trust in possessions and political alliances, to return to God and receive pardon, healing, and restoration. God wants us to love as he loves; trust and hope in God, and knowing God's love, will help us.
- Passionist: God speaks to us at unpredictable times; we're not always tuned in. It's hard to recognize God amid anxiety and disappointment. Come away to the inner room where God speaks.
- Return to God/ Fabing
- Hosea/ Norbet, composer-sung
- O my people, turn to me/ Post, Jonkman, instrumental with on-screen lyrics (karaoke?)
- "Horse" tie pin: "nor shall we have horses to mount" [not relying on military force] (1st reading)
- Wood tie pin: "he shall strike root like the Lebanon cedar" (1st reading)
- Vine pin: "they shall blossom like the vine, and his fame shall be like Lebanon wine" (1st reading)
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Guest dresser Tom Jenkins, in purple for Lent, at Archdiocese of Los Angeles Tech Fair |
- Grain pin: "they shall raise grain" (1st reading) "feed them with the best of wheat" (psalm)
- Hearts suspenders: love God with your whole heart (gospel)
- Crowns tie: "you're not far from the Kingdom of God" (gospel)
- Purple shirt: Lenten season
Dress your life!
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