March 3, 2014: Monday, 8th week, Ordinary Time
- 1 Pt 1:3-9 Christ gave us a new birth to living hope through his resurrection, to salvation, an imperishable inheritance kept for you who are safeguarded through faith. You rejoice, though you may have to suffer through trials, so your faith may be for praise, glory, and honor. You don't see him but believe in him, love him, and rejoice.
- Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9, 10c "The Lord will remember his covenant for ever." I thank the Lord with all my heart. God's power and works are great: giving food, remembering his covenant, delivering his people.
- Mk 10:17-27 Man / Jesus: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” / “You know the commandments....” / “I've observed them.” / “Sell what you have, and give to the poor and you'll have treasure in heaven; then follow me.” He left sad, for he had many possessions. To disciples: “How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the Kingdom! It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, but all is possible for God.”
- Homily: The rich man was good but wanted more. The Spirit was pushing him to get closer to Jesus, but he lacked courage to empty his heart of riches. He wasn't a thief, but his heart was imprisoned and he lacked freedom to choose. How many are enthusiastic about following Jesus but are full of something else? Many have a vocation but are stopped by something; pray their hearts be emptied and they become free. "Send us nuns and priests; defend them from idolatries of vanity, pride, power, and money. Help them to be free, with hearts for You alone, so they hear Your call and bear fruit." Help vocations grow, so the Lord may enter them and give them the joy of disciples.
- Fr. Chris Bazyouros: Jesus told the man about a Copernican revolution; the world doesn't revolve around us. He wasn't ready; are we?
- Creighton: A man stops Jesus, kneels before him, asks how to inherit eternal life, hears the commandments, and says he's kept them; Jesus looks with love and tells him to give what he has to the poor and follow him, and the man went away sad, but perhaps he began the road to discipleship. God continues to invite us.
- What's my treasure? Sell all: let go of what keeps you from loving God first. Those generous to God and neighbor find God even more generous, giving treasure no thief can steal: his kingdom of freedom, love, and peace.
- Passionist: If you make $25K, you're in the world's richest 10%. What steps can we take toward selling all and following Jesus? All things are possible for God.
- Universalis: St. Katharine Drexel founded Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, worked among Indians and blacks, opening schools, founding a university.
- I found the treasure, from The Steadfast Love/ Schutte (lyrics #16)
- If you belong to me/ Hurd
- Heart pin: Pour out your hearts (psalm), God will manifest the motives of our hearts (2nd reading)
- "Clock" necklace: God will judge at the appointed time (2nd reading)
- "Flowers" dress: Learn from the wild flowers (gospel)
- "Don't panic" button: "Don't worry" (gospel)
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Lion and her cub: "Could a mother forget her infant?" (1st reading) |
Apparel for today's readings
- "Gold rings" tie pin [yes, it waited through the XXII Olympic Winter Games for today]: your faith is more precious than gold (1st reading)
- Food tie: he's given food to those who fear him (psalm)
- "Penny pincher" button: how hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom (gospel)
- Green (shirt, suspenders): Ordinary Time season, to give way to Lent on Wednesday
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