March 4, 2014: [Fat] Tuesday, 8th week, Ordinary Time
- 1 Pt 1:10-16 Gird your mind's loins, live soberly, set your hopes on grace, and be holy in every aspect of your conduct.
- Ps 98:1, 2-4 "The Lord has made known his salvation." He has remembered his kindness and his faithfulness. Sing joyfully to the Lord!
- Mk 10:28-31 Anyone who has given things up for my sake and the Gospel's will receive much more now: houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, and children and lands, with persecutions, and eternal life. Many of the first will be last, and the last first.
- Homily: Christ warned persecutions would accompany the disciples' gains: "You'll receive many things, but with persecutions!"—like salad with the oil of persecution! Jesus was persecuted; it's the disciple's road of self-emptying and accepting the cross. The world doesn't tolerate Christ's divinity, the Gospel, or the Beatitudes, so we have persecutions: words, insults, condemnations, imprisonment…. Consider the many in labor camps or death camps for being Christians! There are more martyrs today than in the early Church, and many who bear witness to Jesus are persecuted: some can't carry a Bible, wear a crucifix, pray together, or go to Mass. When we follow Jesus, this happens, but there's joy; God never tests us beyond what we can bear. Do we desire to be courageous in bearing witness to Jesus? Are we prepared to carry the Cross and suffer persecutions like Jesus? Pray for the many persecuted...
- Creighton: Holiness is a journey of transformation, not a state to attain. We're called to it, actively to sit in the unknown/uncomfortable and let God be God, looking for guidance. When Moses returned from prayer, he glowed, transformed by God so he could bring God’s holiness to others. How is God calling me to holiness now?
- One Bread One Body: Will my Lenten self-denial help me draw close to God? If so, I'll find joy beyond what tonight's Mardi Gras parties offer.
- Passionist: No one can outdo God's generosity, but it also includes persecution.
- Universalis: St. Casimir, just king
- All the ends of the earth/ Haas (alternate) (psalm)
- The last shall be first/ Precise [1st rap link here] (gospel)
- Hope is a star/ Wren (gospel)
Alleluia! (since we're putting it to bed till Easter)
- Hallelujah chorus, from Messiah: flash mob, soulful
- Alleluia, from Exsultate, Jubilate/ Mozart
- Celtic Alleluia/ O'Carroll
- Halle halle halle/ trad. Caribbean
- Alleluia/ Thompson
- Mardi Gras beads [different links from "Fat" above]
- "Keyboard with dove" pin: Spirit of Christ, Holy Spirit (1st reading)
- Earth-shaped tie pin: All the ends of the earth have seen God's salvation (psalm)
Dress your life!
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