March 19, 2014: St. Joseph
- 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16 Lord to Nathan for David: “I'll make your heir's kingdom firm. He'll build me a house. I'll be a father to him; he a son to me. Your house and kingdom shall endure forever.’”
- Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29 "The son of David will live for ever." I'll sing the Lord's promises forever.
- Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22 The promise was made to Abraham, through the righteousness that comes from faith, that he would inherit the world. He believed and hoped that he would become the father of many nations.
- Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a Mary, betrothed, was found with child. Joseph decided to divorce her, but the angel said the Spirit conceived in her; take her and name him Jesus. Joseph did as the angel commanded.
- Lk 2:41-51a Jesus, 12, went with his parents to Jerusalem, then stayed behind. His parents returned and found him in the temple. Mary/Jesus: “Why have you done this to us?” / “Didn't you know I must be in my Father’s house?” He returned with them and obeyed.
Pope Francis
- Audience: St. Joseph is venerated as guardian of the Holy Family; he's a model for fathers and educators. He watched over Jesus’ growth in wisdom, age and grace. As carpenter, he taught Jesus his trade and the value of work. He imparted to him the wisdom of reverence for God, prayer, fidelity to his word, and obedience to his will. Joseph’s example helped Jesus grow in understanding and appreciation of his relationship to his heavenly Father. With Mary, he guided Jesus as he responded to the working of the Spirit. By his example and prayers, may St. Joseph be a guide to all parents, priests, and teachers. Fathers, be close to your children and guardians to them; they need you.
- Tuesday homily: We need to make a change of life, to draw closer to the Lord. Jesus wants to forgive us and be close to us but wants sincerity, not hypocrisy. Hypocrites disguise themselves as saints; they believe they're righteous. We need to be justified, but only Jesus Christ justifies, so we must approach God, cease doing evil, and do good. What's the sign we're on a good path? Taking care of others. Hypocrites don't know how; they're so full of themselves. But one who comes to the Lord receives light to see and help. Conversion is the encounter with Christ, but the sign we're drawing closer to the Lord with repentance, asking for forgiveness, caring for the poorest, sick, needy, ignorant... Lent is to adjust/fix/change life; may God give us light to know what’s happening in us and courage to draw closer.
- Creighton: We're saved by faith. God notices our trust and cares about our happiness. Have faith that transcends understanding.
- One Bread One Body: We need faith and examples of it such as St. Joseph who heard and obeyed the Lord.
- Passionist: St. Joseph allowed his dreams to guide him. God-inspired dreams led him in ways he didn't expect. When things don't go according to plan, do I follow God's direction like Joseph?
- Universalis: St. Joseph, carpenter, Mary's husband, patron of the Universal Church...
- Prayer of St. Joseph (story earlier in video)
- Psalm 89/ Barrie (psalm) [requires free Scorch plug-in to hear/see] (psalm)

- White shirt: St. Joseph (color of day)
- Tie with crowns: I'll make David's heir's kingdom firm (1st reading)
- "Rock" tie pin: God, the Rock (psalm)
- "Keyboard with dove" tie pin: Mary conceived by Holy Spirit (gospel); Joseph guided Jesus to respond to the Spirit (solemnity/homily)
- Purple suspenders: Lenten season
Special prayers for and blessings to all under St. Joseph's patronage including
- St. Joseph Parish, Carpinteria
- St. Joseph Parish, Kiddie Kollege, and School, Hawthorne
- St. Joseph Parish, Los Angeles
- St. Joseph Parish and School, Pomona
- St. Joseph Parish and School, Long Beach
- St. Joseph Parish and School, La Puente
- St. Joseph High School, Santa Maria
- St. Joseph High School, Lakewood
- St. Joseph Korean Catholic Center, Canoga Park
- St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Preschool, and School, Winnetka
- St. Joseph Friary, Los Angeles
- Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
- Folks named Joseph, Joe, José, Josephine, Josie...
Dress your life!
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