April 30, 2014

April 30

April 30, 2014:  Wednesday, 2nd week of Easter

Liberation of St. Peter a la ter Brugghen [More]

  • Acts 5:17-26  The Sadducees jailed the Apostles, but an angel opened the prison doors and led them out.  They went to the temple and taught.  After the Sanhedrin sent for them, the officers returned to say, “We found the jail locked and the guards stationed, but no one inside,” then someone reported, “They're teaching at the temple.”  Then the officers brought them, but without force because they feared being stoned.
  • Ps 34:2-9  "The Lord hears the cry of the poor."  Glorify the Lord; he answered and delivered me.  Look to him and be radiant with joy; the angel of the Lord delivers those who fear him.  Taste and see how good the Lord is. 
  • Jn 3:16-21  God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so everyone who believes might have life.  God sent his Son to save, not condemn, the world.  The light came, but people preferred darkness; whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so their works may be seen as done in God.
Pope Francis
  • Audience:  The Holy Spirit's gift of understanding is grace to awaken Christians' ability to go beyond appearances to the depths of God’s thoughts and plan of salvation.  "What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him, this God has revealed to us through the Spirit" (1 Cor 2:9-10).  Understanding allows us to see as God does.  Jesus sent the Spirit so we could have this beautiful gift that brings us into intimacy with God and helps us understand history.
Wordle: Readings 4-30-14
Word cloud of today's readings
When the Spirit dwells in and enlightens us, we grow in understanding of what God said and did.  If we read the Gospel with this gift, we understand the depth of God's words.  When the Lord explained the scriptures to the disciples en route to Emmaus, their minds were opened (Lk 24:13-27).  We can't recognize the Lord by ourselves, but when we welcome the Spirit, we receive new light and enjoy what God reveals and rejoice in all he does.  Lord, give us this gift!
    Liberación de San Pedro/ Murillo
    [Still more]
      • Creighton:  “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.”  What will we do with the light we have:  suppress it out of fear, or live in it despite fear?
      • One Bread One Body:  The world puts Christians in jails of "acceptable behavior,"  but Jesus sets us free.
          • Passionist:  Love includes forgiveness.  The apostles let Jesus down, but instead of telling them, "You're a disappointment; I'm going to round up new followers and try again," he said, "Peace!"  They could proclaim reconciliation and forgiveness because they experienced it.
          • DailyScripture.net:  Love is manifested in the giver's sacrifice.  God proved his love for us by giving us his only Son.  Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac prefigures God's sacrifice of Jesus.  God gives us freedom to choose whom/what we'll love.
          • Moved to greater love, to reach out to people around me who seem alienated, disillusioned or hopeless:  What's the central piece of good news that energizes my life and that I want to share?  What  setbacks/struggles has God been using to make me a better minister of his mercy and love?
          • Universalis:  Pope St. Pius V, Dominican, reformer; Bl. Marie of the Incarnation, businesswoman, religious

            • "Caged lion" pin:  cage bars look like prison bars (1st reading)
            • "Angel" pin:  the angel of the Lord (1st reading, psalm)
            • "Hearts" tie:  God so loved the world... (gospel)
            • "Keyboard with dove" tie pin:  Holy Spirit's gift of understanding (papal audience)
            • White in shirt:  color of day/Easter season
            Dress your life!

            April 29, 2014

            Catherine of Siena

            April 29, 2014:  St. Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor

            Wordle: Readings 4-29-14
            • Acts 4:32-37  The community was of one heart and mind and held their possessions  in common.  The Apostles bore witness to Jesus' resurrection.  Nobody was needy; they distributed property according to need.
            • Ps 93:1-2, 5  "The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty."  He made the world firm; his decrees are trustworthy.
            • Jn 3:7b-15  Jesus to Nicodemus:  You must be born from above.  You people don't accept our testimony; how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?  No one has gone to heaven except the one who has come down, the Son.  Just as Moses lifted up the serpent, so must the Son be lifted up, so all believers may have life.
            Pope Francis
            • Homily:  Harmony, witness, poverty, and care for the poor come from above, through the Holy Spirit.
              • The early Church was at peace; there was love, forgiveness, and humility, with no room for gossip, envy, calumnies, or defamation.  What about our community?
              • They witnessed to faith, even though they had problems (infighting, doctrinal and power struggles...).  How do we witness to the Resurrection, that Jesus is alive and among us?
              • They cared for the poor.  What's our attitude toward the poor?  Are we poor ourselves,  in heart, in spirit?  Or do we trust in riches or power?
            The Spirit builds up the Church, creating unity, leading us to witness, making us poor, and leading us to care for the poor.

                  • Universalis:  St Catherine of Siena, ambassador of peace, defender of liberty, corresponded with public figures, defended liberty and rights of Popes, renewed religious life...
                  • Creighton:  When we let ourselves be loved, we're transformed; the 1st reading reports the Apostles' transformation.  Jesus’ love, and their willingness, transformed them.  Ponder Jesus’ Resurrection as an invitation to enter into a deeper love of one another and of Christ. 
                  • One Bread One Body:  To witness for Christ, we must be united deeply and concretely like the early Church.  Culture values independence and individualism over community, but "the cultural change we're calling for demands courage to adopt a new lifestyle" (Pope St. John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae 98).  Change, live, and witness.
                      • DailyScripture.net:  Jesus tells Nicodemus:  As you can hear, feel, and see the wind's effects without knowing their origin, you can see the Spirit's effects in Spirit-touched lives.  Hebrew ruach means 'spirit,' 'wind,' and 'breath.'  "Son of Man" comes from Daniel's vision of the Messiah-King.  A king who began to reign was "lifted up" above the people; Jesus tells Nicodemus he'll be recognized as Messiah-King when he's "lifted up" on the cross.  He points to the sign of Moses and the serpent:  after Israelites died because of their rebellion, Moses interceded and God showed mercy, instructing him to lift up a bronze serpent so all could look on it and recover.  This foreshadowed Jesus' salvific work; see St. Cyril's explanation.  The result of his being lifted on the cross and rising is our new birth in the Spirit.
                      • Moved to greater love and Easter joy in my work, school, recreation, family, and community:  St. Catherine wrote that love transforms us into what we love.  What do I love?  How I direct my time and energy informs what I desire.  My joy comes from Jesus' love for me.  Where am I tepid or distracted?  If I died and someone cleaned out my room, what would they learn?  What distracts me from joy and simplicity?  What are 2-3 things I can get rid of?

                        • "Hearts" suspenders:  the community was of one heart (1st reading)
                        • Tie with crowns:  The Lord is king (psalm)
                        • "Keyboard with dove" tie pin:  "...so it is with everyone born of the Spirit" (gospel)
                        • "Serpent" pin:  The Son must be lifted up as Moses lifted up the serpent (gospel)
                        • "Peace sign" tie bar:  St. Catherine of Siena, peacemaker
                        • White in shirt:  Easter season

                        Dress your life!

                        April 28, 2014

                        April 28

                        April 28, 2014:  Monday, 2nd week of Easter

                        • Acts 4:23-31  Peter and John reported what the chief priests and elders told them.  The people said, “Lord, you said through David:  Why did the Gentiles rage?  Kings took their stand against the Lord and his anointed.  Herod and Pilate, with Jews and Gentiles, gathered to do what you'd willed long ago.  Lord, let your servants speak your word boldly and do signs and wonders in Jesus' name.”  They were filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak God's word boldly.
                          Wordle: Readings 4-28-14
                        • Ps 2:1-9  "Blessed are all who take refuge in the Lord."  Why do the nations rage?  Kings rise up against the Lord and his anointed.  The Lord derides, then terrifies them.  The Lord told me, “You are my Son.  You shall rule and shelter the nations.”
                        • Jn 3:1-8  Pharisee Nicodemus / Jesus:  “Rabbi, we know you're from God; no one can do these signs unless God is with him.” / “Unless you're born from above, you can't see God's Kingdom.” / “How can an old man be born again?” / “Unless you're born of water and Spirit, you can't enter.  Flesh begets flesh and spirit spirit.  The wind blows where it wills; you hear it but don't know where it's from or where it's going.  So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
                            • Let us break their bonds asunder, from Part 2 of Messiah/ Handel; another (psalm) [The first is from a concert of just Parts 2 and 3, IMHO a great idea considering the preponderance of Part 1+Hallelujah chorus concerts, with or without the Amen]
                            Pope Francis
                              The incredulity of St. Thomas/ Caravaggio
                              (for Sunday gospel)
                            • To Argentina youth:  Who are you? Like the Apostles, initially enthusiastic but now too attached to things to follow Christ?  Like the prodigal son who returned to his father’s mercy?  Dead like the widow’s son?  If you're dead, Mother Church is crying for you, and Christ can revive you.  Trust in God’s forgiveness; when we falter, we can truly encounter the Lord.  [To young women:]  You have this great treasure:  to give life, tenderness, peace, and joy.  The Church is female, like Mary; it's your place.  Be Church, form the Church, be with Jesus, with tenderness, to accompany it and help it grow.
                              • Creighton:  We encounter God as we are with our limits and talents.  We can't change ourselves but can trust in God to transform us.  Unchanging things are safe, comfortable, and familiar, but Jesus invites Nicodemus/us into a new, unknown, liberating, perhaps dangerous, world infused with the Spirit.
                              • One Bread One Body:  Nicodemus talked of signs, Jesus of Baptism.  Live your Baptism.
                                  • Passionist:  Peter and John, released from jail and not sure of what's next. pray and experience the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit challenges us out of our comfort zone to trust in a higher power.  We're called as disciples to be open to the Spirit and live the gospel boldly, like Peter and John who lived with passion, faith, and courage.  Spread the good news to a world hungry for hope, peace and justice; the Spirit will guide us as we follow the risen Christ.
                                  • Moved to greater love  How is "community life" in my communities: growth?   companionship at table?  common discipleship?  daily reconciliation?  joy?  What is my hope:  different from optimism?  for what?
                                  • "Kneeling person" tie bar:  "As they prayed, the place shook" (1st reading)
                                  • "Keyboard with dove" tie pin:  "they were all filled with the Holy Spirit" (1st reading); one not born of water and Spirit can't enter the Kingdom (gospel)
                                  • "Hands" tie:  today: "Enable us to speak your word, as you stretch your hand to heal" (1st reading); Sunday: Jesus showed them his hands, Thomas:  "unless I put my hand into his side" (gospel)
                                  • White shirt:  color of day/Easter season
                                  • "Key" tie pin:  the doors were locked (Sun. gospel; forgot yesterday)
                                  • "Peace sign" tie bar:  “Peace be with you!” (Sun. gospel; forgot yesterday)
                                  • "Hearts" suspenders:  Divine Mercy Sunday
                                  • Pope St. John Paul II prayer card (in pocket) from Saturday night's canonization celebration, thanks to Radiate.LA
                                  Pope St. John Paul II,
                                  pray for us.

                                  Pope St. John XXIII,
                                  pray for us
                                  Dress your life!

                                  April 27, 2014

                                  Divine Mercy

                                  April 27, 2014:  2nd Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Sunday

                                  Canonization of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II

                                  • Acts 2:42-47  They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles, communal life, breaking of bread, and prayer.  Many wonders and signs were done through them.  They divided their possessions according to each person's need. The Lord added to their number.
                                  • Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24  "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love is everlasting."  The Lord gave me strength and saved me.  The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.  This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice.
                                    Tagxedo word cloud 4-27-14
                                  • 1 Pt 1:3-9  Blessed be God, who in mercy gave us new birth to living hope through Jesus' resurrection.  You rejoice that you're safeguarded through faith, though now you may have to suffer, so your faith may be for praise, glory, and honor.  Though you haven't seen him, you love him; though you don't see him now, you believe and rejoice as you attain salvation.
                                  • Jn 20:19-31  Jesus came to the disciples, said “Peace be with you,” and showed them his hands and side; they rejoiced.  As the Father has sent me, so I send you.  Receive the Holy Spirit; forgive sins....”  They told Thomas (who wasn't there), “We've seen the Lord.” / "Unless I put my finger into his nail marks and hand into his side, I won't believe.”  Jesus returned a week later when Thomas was there, said, “Peace be with you,” then told Thomas, “Put your finger here, see my hands, put your hand into my side, and believe.”  Thomas:  “My Lord and God!” / “You believe because you've seen?  Blessed those who haven't seen and have believed.”  Jesus did many other signs, but these are written so you may believe Jesus is Christ and Son of God, and you may have life.
                                  Pope Francis
                                    The incredulity of St. Thomas
                                    (de Rossi)
                                  • Homily for today's Canonization Mass:  Jesus' wounds remain on Christ's risen body; they're the enduring sign of God’s love, mercy, and faithfulness.  “By his wounds you have been healed.”  Saints John XXIII and John Paul II weren't afraid to look upon them.  They saw Jesus in every person who suffers or struggles.  They were filled with the parrhesia of the Spirit and bore witness to all of God’s goodness and mercy.  In them was the living hope and joy the risen Christ bestows on his disciples, forged in self-denial, self-emptying, and identification with sinners; they bestowed this gift on the People of God.  This hope and joy were palpable in the earliest community of believers; they lived the Gospel, love and mercy, in simplicity and fraternity.  It's also the image of the Church Vatican II set before us.  These saints cooperated with the Spirit in renewing and updating the Church.  In convening the Council, John XXIII let himself be Spirit-led and be a servant-leader.  He's the pope of openness to the Spirit.  John Paul II was the pope of the family; from heaven he's guiding our journey towards the Synod on the family.  May these saints intercede for us, so we may be open to the Spirit, not be scandalized by Christ's wounds, and enter more deeply into divine mercy, which always hopes and always forgives.
                                  [Thank God for last night's Radiate.LA-sponsored canonization celebration and vigil at the Cathedral!]
                                      • Creighton:  The good news is too good to believed; we tone it down.  It's too simple; we complicate it.  “The sacrament of Reconciliation is not to wipe away faults; it's to make us more loving, to show we choose for them to make us more honest and humble.” (Fr. Pat Malone, S.J.)  That’s what Jesus’ post-Easter questions did for Peter.  We've been forgiven much; love much.
                                      • One Bread One Body:  "The first believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer; the sequence is characteristic of the Church's prayer" (Catechism, 2624).  Our prayers must be based on the Eucharist and be celebrated in the context of communal life; we need the Spirit and must devote ourselves to the Bible and other Church teachings.
                                            The incredulity of St. Thomas/ Caravaggio
                                          • Passionist:  Jesus shows astonishing patience with his disciples, encouraging them, "slow of heart" as they are.  Let's join Thomas; we may say, "I won't believe until I see" but experience "I won't see until I believe!"
                                          • DailyScripture.net:  Jesus commissioned his weak, timid apostles to spread the gospel.  Jesus fulfilled his mission through love and obedience.  He gives us the same Spirit he gave the first disciples, so we have joy and courage to live as disciples.  Once Thomas recognized the risen Jesus, he believed.  Through the gift of faith we can receive new life and proclaim Jesus as Lord.
                                          • Moved to greater love, to receive the Spirit and be sent as evidence of God's love:
                                            Compelling evidence for God? (Moser, Evidence for God, 215)  Do the people I know who model selfless love reflect joy and attract others?
                                          • Universalis:  From a Pope John Paul II's sermon at the canonization of Sr. Faustina Kowalska:  Jesus told Sr. Faustina, “Humanity won't find peace till it turns trustfully to divine mercy.”  The light of divine mercy illumines the way; its path re-establishes our relationship with God and creates solidarity among people.  We experience God's mercy and are called to practice mercy towards others, to reach out to all human needs.  We learn deep self-giving love only by penetrating the mystery of God’s love.  Sr. Faustina wrote in her Diary: “I feel pain when I see my neighbors' sufferings.  I'd like them to fall on me, to relieve them.”  This is love patterned after God's!  The divine mercy message is also about the value of every human being.  Christ gave his life for each one; to everyone the Father offers intimacy.
                                          • "Wheat" pin:  they devoted themselves to the breaking of bread... (1st reading)
                                          • "Kneeling person" tie bar:  ...and to prayer (1st reading)
                                          • "Abacus" tie pin:  they divided their possessions according to need; every day the Lord added to their number (1st reading) [how to divide on an abacus]
                                          • "Stone" tie pin:  The stone the builders rejected... (psalm)
                                          • "Eyeball" tie pin:  it's wonderful in our eyes (psalm); "we have seen the Lord" (gospel)
                                          • "Peace sign" tie bar:  “Peace be with you!” (gospel)
                                          • "Hearts" suspenders:  Divine Mercy
                                          • "Hands" tie:  Jesus showed them his hands; Thomas:  "unless I put my hand into his side" (gospel)
                                          • "Keyboard with dove" tie pin:  "Receive the Holy Spirit" (gospel)
                                          • "Key" tie pin:  the doors were locked (gospel)
                                          • White shirt:  color of day/Easter season
                                          Dress your life!

                                          April 26, 2014

                                          Easter Sat.

                                          April 26, 2014:  Easter Saturday (Saturday in the Octave of Easter)


                                          Wordle: Readings 4-26-14
                                          • Acts 4:13-21  The leaders, amazed at Peter and John's boldness and the cured man, ordered Peter and John not to teach in Jesus' name.  Peter and John:  “We can't not speak about what we've seen and heard.”  They released them; they couldn't punish them because of everyone praising God for what happened.
                                          • Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21  "I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me."  God's mercy endures forever.  The Lord is powerful; I'll declare his works.
                                          • Mk 16:9-15  Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene.  She told his companions, but they didn't believe.  Then he appeared to two more; they told the others, but they didn't believe either.  Then he appeared to them all at table and rebuked them because they hadn't believed.  “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to everyone.”
                                          Pope Francis
                                          • To bishops of southern Africa:  Parishes are flourishing, the diaconate is growing, and you're serving God's most vulnerable, but there are fewer Catholic families and vocations, family issues threaten home life and the sanctity of marriage, and Christian morals are breaking down.  Corruption is theft from the poor and destroys our trust.  Continue your solidarity with the people and your assistance and guidance.  The absence of Christ is the greatest poverty.  Promote vocations and encourage reception of the Sacraments, especially Matrimony.  Rekindle the gift of faith and renew your service to God’s people!

                                            • Creighton:  Jesus rebukes the unbelieving apostles for essentially keeping him in the tomb.  Do I really believe, letting the world see him alive in and through us, or are we keeping Jesus in the tomb too?
                                            • Passionist:  The apostles shut themselves up safely in the Upper Room, but Jesus broke in.  Where do I close myself off in fear or hardness of heart?  God, help me open the doors and proclaim the Good News.
                                            • Moved to greater lovejoy, and peace:  Let the empty tomb remind you what Christ can do to life's empty/dead places.
                                            • "People around the world" tie:  “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” (gospel)
                                            • White in shirt:  color of day/Easter season
                                            • "Sheep" tie bar:  in honor of shepherds Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II to be canonized tomorrow
                                            This blog's why and what

                                            Dress your life!

                                            DressYourLife/LiturgicalDress: why/what?

                                            Dress to God’s Word / “Liturgical Dress”:  why and what

                                            "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for … training in righteousness."

                                            As lay Catholic Christian and music minister, I’ve wanted to integrate the daily Bible readings into my prayer, life, and ministry.  Since I hadn’t always made time to spend with the readings, I looked for something to help me be more consistent.

                                            Site's favicon, from Aug. 12,
                                            for Mt 17:22-27,
                                            representing the fish and the
                                            coin in it for twice the temple tax
                                            I decided, since I dress up every day, to expand my practice of dressing to the liturgical season (e.g., white for Easter, purple for Advent and Lent) to dress to each day’s readings more specifically (e.g., a tie with fishes for a miraculous catch, or a red striped shirt for Good Friday’s "by his stripes we are healed").  A few co-workers and others who noticed suggested I blog about it.  I figured it would take too long and nobody would read it, but nonetheless I tried it and started “Dress to God’s word” (LiturgicalDress.com, DressYourLife.org).  It now has followers including DREs (who use it in their parish religious education programs)—and it does help me stay consistent.

                                            In a post, I summarize each reading of the day and include a “word cloud” 
                                            (sometimes shapedof their text, something related from Pope Francis (often from his homily), daily reflections (with summaries), related music, a selfie with bullets relating it to the readings; occasionally I add a special feature such as a “Roamin’ Catholic” report (when I attend a different Mass).

                                            The music is often sacred (in various flavors, with unusual arrangements and some original stuff), but I add related show tunes, opera, country, pop, and spoofs when I find them.  I get the most feedback from the music links; please click them!

                                            My outward dress challenges me to the more important matter of making my daily life more in tune with God's Word, as we’re challenged to clothe ourselves in Christ (Colossians 3:12-14) and to put on God’s armor (Ephesians 6:11-17).

                                            So please check out http://liturgicaldress.com.  I also post a daily teaser to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+:  one-liner, picture, and link to the whole post.  Feel free to add a comment, perhaps about how you “dressed” to God’s word today, literally or figuratively.

                                            See Liturgical Dress:  Wearing God's Word Every Day, thanks to Kate O'Hare.

                                            April 25, 2014

                                            Easter Fri.

                                            April 25, 2014:  Easter Friday (Friday in the Octave of Easter)

                                            • Acts 4:1-12  After the cripple had been cured, leaders questioned Peter and John:  “By what power have you done this?”  Peter:  “In the name of Jesus Christ whom you crucified and God raised, the stone you rejected that became the cornerstone.  There's no salvation through anyone else.”
                                            • Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a  "The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone."  His mercy endures forever.  This is the day the Lord made; rejoice in it.
                                            • Jn 21:1-14  Peter with other disciples at Sea of Tiberias:  “I'm going fishing.”  They caught nothing.  At dawn, Jesus was on the shore, but they didn't know it was Jesus:  “Cast the net over the right side.”  They did and couldn't pull it in.  “It's the Lord.”  Peter jumped into the sea; they dragged in 153 big fish.  Jesus:  “Come, have breakfast.”
                                            Pope FrancisTagxedo word cloud 4-25-14
                                            • To compatriots of the new Pope saints:  Thank God for John Paul II's tireless service, spiritual guidance, and witness of holiness.  By his faith, love, and courage, he helped believers not to be afraid to be Christians and speak the Gospel.  Thank God for John XXIII's holiness, and remember where it germinated:  a land of faith lived in poor, loving families sharing in simplicity.  Both popes advanced the renewal of Vatican II.  May they inspire all to find new ways to build co-existence based on fraternity and solidarity.
                                            • Mass for new St. José de Anchieta, Jesuit missionary to Brazil:  He knew how to communicate what he experienced with the Lord, what he saw and heard, to fill others with the happiness that comes from knowing and loving the truth.  He wasn't afraid of joy.
                                                • Creighton:  God cares about our needs (note the fish fry), knows things we don't, and, has a simple plan for salvation.
                                                • One Bread One Body:  We've all been handicapped since birth—from unbelief, fear, isolation...—but Jesus can heal us.  Let him heal you, then proclaim his resurrection.
                                                • Passionist:  It was natural for the disciples to return to their old life/work after Jesus was crucified.  The risen Lord met them where they were and called them again.  The same Lord meets us where we are—in Scripture, through people, in the breaking of the bread.  Our response can bring healing, miracles, and joy, as in the early Church.
                                                  The Second Miraculous Draught of Fish/ Tissot
                                                • DailyScripture.net:  Discouraged Peter didn't know what to do after Jesus was crucified.  The gospel recalls Lk 5:4-11, when after the catch Jesus told Peter he'd be catching people.  Do I run to the Lord when I meet disappointments or trials?  Jesus proved he wasn't a ghost by preparing and eating breakfast.  Peter's "It is the Lord!" contrasts with his earlier denials.  Jesus reveals himself to us as we open to him.
                                                • Moved to greater love:  Pray for grace to show Resurrection hope.  How do I handle bad news?  Do my words and actions attract others to Christ?

                                                • "Question mark" tie pin:  Leaders questioned Peter and John (1st reading)
                                                • "Dove with keyboard" tie pin:  Peter was filled with the Spirit (1st reading)
                                                • "Children holding hands" pin:  They laid hands on Peter and John (1st reading)
                                                • "Stone" tie pin:  the stone you rejected has become the cornerstone... (1st reading, psalm)
                                                • "Eyeball" tie pin:  ...it is wonderful in our eyes (psalm)
                                                • "~153 fish" tie:  153 fish caught (gospel)
                                                • White shirt:  color of day/season
                                                Dress your life!

                                                April 24, 2014

                                                Easter Thurs.

                                                April 24, 2014:  Easter Thursday (Thursday in the Octave of Easter)


                                                Wordle: Readings 4-24-14
                                                • Acts 3:11-26  Peter at Solomon's Portico after cripple's healing:  “Why are you amazed, and why do you look at us as if we cured him?  God glorified Jesus; you killed him, but God raised him.  Faith in Jesus cured the man.  God fulfilled the prophecies that his Christ would suffer.  Repent and be converted so your sins may be wiped away and God may send you Jesus, and in your offspring all shall be blessed.”
                                                • Ps 8:2ab, 5-9  "O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!"  You've crowned him and given him dominion over created things.
                                                • Lk 24:35-48  They recounted how they recognized Jesus in the breaking of bread.  Jesus came:  “Peace!” but they thought him a ghost.  “Look at my hands and feet, and touch me; a ghost has no flesh or bones.”  They were joyful and amazed.  “Have you anything to eat?”  They gave him fish, and he ate it.  “I told you everything about me in the law, prophets, and psalms must be fulfilled....  It is written the Christ would suffer and rise, and that repentance would be preached to all.  You're witnesses.”
                                                Pope Francis

                                                • Homily:  Instead of rejoicing over his resurrection, the disciples were afraid.  Some Christians are afraid of being close to Jesus because this gives us joy; that's why so many are sad, preferring the shadows, not the light of joy, like bats.  But Jesus gives us the joy of being Christians and following him.  Do you talk with Jesus, saying, ‘I believe you're alive and near me and won't abandon me’?  Christian life should be dialogue with Jesus, because he's always alongside us with our problems and good works.
                                                ‘After you get burnt by boiling milk, when you see a cow you start crying.’  Fearful Christians are defeated by the cross, burnt by its drama.  Lord, open our minds as you did for them, so we understand you're alive, have a body, are with us, and have won.
                                                  The appearance of Christ at the Cenacle/ Tissot
                                                    • Creighton:  This week's gospels unpack Jesus’ resurrection from the disciples' perspective.  What was it like for them to encounter Jesus after his crucifixion?  Encountering Jesus changes us; we encounter him in others, and in the faith community.  Be attentive to the ways Jesus encounters us, in the poor, sick, needy, and those who love us and invite us to love.
                                                    • Passionist:  Touching brings the object touched deeply into our mind and heart.   Jesus commands us to touch and see his wounds.  Touch God's love for us; touch the wounds of the Risen Christ!
                                                    • DailyScripture.net:  "Jesus showed them real hands and a real side, really ate, walked, and talked, reclined at supper, and broke bread." (St. Jerome, letter to Pammachius against John of Jerusalem 34)  The gospel goes beyond the cross to victory and glory.  Jesus shows us the way and gives us the power to overcome sin and everything else in the way of his love and truth.  We're called to witness to the resurrection to all.  Do I?
                                                    • Moved to greater love:  Pray for grace to rejoice in Jesus' love for me as I see his wounds.  I'm in the upper room; how do I respond to reports Jesus is alive?  When he invites me to touch and see, what do I do/say?  How do I witness to his being alive, to his wounds?
                                                    • Universalis:  St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest-martyr; St. Erkenwald, bishop-abbot
                                                    • "Angel" pin:  "You have made people little less than the angels" (psalm)
                                                    • "Peace sign" tie bar:  “Peace be with you.” (gospel)
                                                    • "Hands" tie:  "Look at my hands [and my feet]" (gospel)
                                                    • Fish tie pin: "they gave him a piece of fish" (gospel)
                                                    • White shirt:  color of day and season
                                                    • "Bat" tie bar:
                                                      Don't be a bat
                                                      (Pope's homily)
                                                    Dress your life!

                                                    April 23, 2014

                                                    Easter Wed.

                                                    April 23, 2014:  Easter Wednesday (Wednesday in the Octave of Easter)

                                                    • Acts 3:1-10  A man crippled from birth begged Peter and John for alms at the temple gate.  Peter:  “I have neither silver nor gold, but what I do have I give you:  in the name of Jesus Christ, walk.”  Peter raised him up, and he stood, walked around, and went into the temple with them, walking and jumping and praising God.  People recognized him as the one who used to beg at the gate and were amazed.
                                                      Tagxedo word cloud 4-23-14
                                                    • Ps 105:1-4, 6-9  "Rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord."  Make known his deeds.  Sing praise.  Serve him constantly.  He is our God and remembers his covenant.
                                                    • Lk 24:13-35  While two disciples were going to Emmaus, Jesus drew near and walked with them, but they didn't recognize him.  “What are you talking about?” / “Don't you know what happened to Jesus?...” / “How slow you are to believe!...”  He interpreted the Scriptures, they urged “Stay,” and he did.  At table he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them; their eyes were opened, they recognized him, and he vanished.  “Our hearts were burning as he opened the Scriptures to us!”  They returned to Jerusalem, found the Eleven and others saying, “The Lord has been raised!”  The two recounted what had taken place and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.
                                                    Pope Francis
                                                    • Audience:   Easter joy is born of our faith in Christ’s resurrection and presence in the Church and world.  He made everything new and gave us new hope.  The question  the angel asked the women Easter morning  resurrection is for us too:  “Why do you seek the living among the dead?”.  We look for life among things that can't give life!  We can close ourselves within selfishness or complacency, be seduced by things of this world, forget God and neighbor, or trust money or success.   We can close in on ourselves after a failure, feel alone or abandoned, feel imprisoned by sin, or lose strength to pray.
                                                    The Gospel shows us three life-changing encounters with the Risen Lord and invites us to a similar one:  Like Thomas, we need to grasp the reality of Christ’s rising to new life.  Like Mary Magdalene, we need to hear Jesus’ voice calling our name.  And like the travellers to Emmaus, we need to find new joy and hope by recognizing the Lord at our side.  They all sought the living among the dead, but Jesus led them to faith and the power of his resurrection.  Today he challenges us to seek him, the Living One, and leave behind what holds us back from encountering him and sharing in the rebirth, freedom, and hope only he can give.  He always renews his body and is close to correct our course, help us walk towards him, and encourage us to proclaim the Good News that can give new life to others.
                                                    Emmaus Road/ Gerloff
                                                    • To Brazil's Bishops at end of World Youth Day 2013:  The Emmaus story is a key for interpreting the present and the future:  In it the disciples are scandalized by the failure of the Messiah in whom they’d hoped.  Those who think the Church can’t offer them anything and leave, setting off alone, aimless, disappointed, and disillusioned, are like them.  When nobody accompanies them or shows them the way, many seek shortcuts; because our standards seem too lofty, they stray further and their painful abandonment and solitude cry out.  We need to meet them on the way and enter into their conversation.  We need to accompany them, not just hear them, make sense of their “night,” and realize the reasons people leave contain reasons they can return.  Jesus warmed the Emmaus disciples’ hearts.  Can we warm hearts and lead people back?  Can we speak of our roots in a way that will inspire people?  Many leave because they’re promised something loftier, but what’s loftier than love and the Cross?  Can we demonstrate this to those who seek fulfillment elsewhere?  Nothing is more powerful than the weakness of love, goodness, truth, and beauty!  Listen, be patient, keep close alongside them, let them speak of their disappointments and let us address them.  When they thirst, accompany them back, and help them rediscover the glory and joy of Jerusalem, our Mother.  [Thanks, Fr. Chris, for the link, and for pointing out that "breaking of the bread" can refer to the Cross as well as the Eucharist.]
                                                      • One Bread One Body:  Like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, we must return to the place Jesus was crucified.  We must go back to the Church, the Bible, and the Eucharist.
                                                            Supper at Emmaus/ Ter Brugghen
                                                          • Passionist:  We can encounter Jesus in the Scriptures. the sacraments, prayer, and discipleship/service.
                                                          • DailyScripture.net:  Why they didn't recognize Jesus:  "They were so disturbed when they saw him on the cross, they forgot his teaching, didn't look for his resurrection, and didn't remember his promises" (St. Augustine, Sermon 235.1).  The Lord is ready to speak to us.  Do I listen and allow his word to change me?
                                                          • Moved to greater love:  Ask for grace to recognize Jesus walking with me through each day.  I place myself in the Emmaus story:  a friend and I are walking, talking about our disappointments, things that rob us of hope.  I sense a presence approaching—Jesus—and invite him into our conversation.  What does Jesus have to say?  Can I entrust my difficulties to him?

                                                          • "Eyeball" tie pin:  "Look at us" (1st reading); "their eyes were opened" (gospel)
                                                          • "Coin" button:  beggar (1st reading)
                                                          • Silver and gold-colored accessories:  "I have neither silver and gold" (1st reading)
                                                          • "Walking person" tie pin:  he walked around (1st reading), disciples en route to Emmaus (gospel)
                                                          • "Accordion" pin:  great instrument for El Peregrino de Emaús (gospel :-)
                                                          • "Hearts" suspenders:  Rejoice, hearts that seek God (psalm), How slow of heart you are, weren't our hearts burning? (gospel)
                                                          • "Burning sun" tie:  weren't our hearts burning? (gospel)
                                                          • "Wheat" pin:  Jesus took bread...; their eyes were opened in its breaking (gospel)
                                                          Dress your life!