April 26, 2014: Easter Saturday (Saturday in the Octave of Easter)

- Acts 4:13-21 The leaders, amazed at Peter and John's boldness and the cured man, ordered Peter and John not to teach in Jesus' name. Peter and John: “We can't not speak about what we've seen and heard.” They released them; they couldn't punish them because of everyone praising God for what happened.
- Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21 "I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me." God's mercy endures forever. The Lord is powerful; I'll declare his works.
- Mk 16:9-15 Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene. She told his companions, but they didn't believe. Then he appeared to two more; they told the others, but they didn't believe either. Then he appeared to them all at table and rebuked them because they hadn't believed. “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to everyone.”
Pope Francis
- To bishops of southern Africa: Parishes are flourishing, the diaconate is growing, and you're serving God's most vulnerable, but there are fewer Catholic families and vocations, family issues threaten home life and the sanctity of marriage, and Christian morals are breaking down. Corruption is theft from the poor and destroys our trust. Continue your solidarity with the people and your assistance and guidance. The absence of Christ is the greatest poverty. Promote vocations and encourage reception of the Sacraments, especially Matrimony. Rekindle the gift of faith and renew your service to God’s people!

- Creighton: Jesus rebukes the unbelieving apostles for essentially keeping him in the tomb. Do I really believe, letting the world see him alive in and through us, or are we keeping Jesus in the tomb too?
- Passionist: The apostles shut themselves up safely in the Upper Room, but Jesus broke in. Where do I close myself off in fear or hardness of heart? God, help me open the doors and proclaim the Good News.
- Moved to greater love, joy, and peace: Let the empty tomb remind you what Christ can do to life's empty/dead places.
- "People around the world" tie: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” (gospel)
- White in shirt: color of day/Easter season
- "Sheep" tie bar: in honor of shepherds Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II to be canonized tomorrow
Dress your life!
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