April 16, 2014: Wednesday of Holy Week (“Spy Wednesday”)

- Is 50:4-9a I gave my back to those who beat me; I didn't shield my face from buffets and spitting. God my help upholds me; I won't be put to shame.
- Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34 "Lord, in your great love, answer me." I bear insult. I've become an outcast because zeal for you consumes me. Insult has broken my heart, I'm weak, and nobody consoled me. I'll sing praise to God who hears the poor.
- Mt 26:14-25 Judas Iscariot looked for an opportunity to hand Jesus over. The disciples asked Jesus where to prepare the Passover supper, then did as he ordered. Jesus / disciples: “One of you will betray me.” / “Not I!?” / “The one who dipped his hand into the dish with me.... Woe to him.” Judas: “Not I!?"...
- Audience: Judas’ betrayal set in motion the events of Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. Out of love for us, Jesus freely walked the path of humiliation and self-abandonment for our salvation; “he emptied himself… and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross” (Ph 2:7-8). As we contemplate Jesus in his passion, we see the sufferings of all humanity and discover God’s answer to the mystery of evil, suffering, and death. Jesus dies humiliated, betrayed, abandoned, and reviled—yet God’s victory shines in what appears to be failure and defeat. Jesus’ passion reveals the Father’s love and summons to faith. To set us free, Christ takes upon himself the power of evil. May we imitate his loving obedience to the Father and open our hearts to his gifts of reconciliation, redemption, and new life.
- Creighton: Jesus knew Judas was to betray him but still washed his feet. I'm called to love each person, even ones who hurt or betray me. When we turn away from God, we can choose despair and death (Judas) or repentance and life (Peter). Do I love/serve the Judases in my life? Can I return to God and accept his love?
- Passionist: Develop zeal for God's merciful love to experience his life-giving presence. Accept daily suffering with dignity, humility, and surrender to God's will to experience God's redemptive grace. Submit yourself to the Cross to attain the resurrection.
The Last Supper/ Da Vinci |
- DailyScripture.net: Judas took money for handing over the Word of God; those who accept goods in exchange for casting out from their souls the Savior do the same. Sinners call out to the enemy, What will you give me if I hand him over? (Origen, Commentary on Matthew 78.) Father, strengthen us to be valiant in this spiritual war; help us against our negligence and cowardice, and defend us from the treachery of our hearts. (Thomas à Kempis)
- USCCB reflection on 3rd song of Suffering Servant (1st reading)
- Moved to greater love Jesuit reflection on union with Jesus in his Passion: Jesus is betrayed by Judas, Peter, and the disciples who abandon him in the garden, but Jesus endures the abandonment and isolation for our sake. How have I experienced hurts and abandonment that need healing and reconciliation? How have I been less than faithful in following the Lord to the cross? +"Encouraging the dynamism initiated by GC34," from Collaboration at the Heart of Mission (SJ GC 35, Decree 6), "God all in all", from He Leadeth Me (Ciszek)
- Universalis: St. Bernadette Soubirous, religious, example of suffering and humility, Lourdes visionary, patroness of the sick
- He was despisèd, from Messiah/ Handel, for "He gave his back" middle section (1st reading)
- Damned for all time/Blood money, from Jesus Christ Superstar/ Lloyd Webber, Rice
- By my side, from Godspell/ Schwartz
[Sorry; nothing from the metal band Judas Iscariot]
- "Coin" button: the chief priests paid Judas 30 silver pieces to hand Jesus over (gospel)
- "Hands" tie: Judas dipped his hand into the dish and will 'hand' Jesus over (gospel)
- "People" tie pin: disciples around Jesus at the Last Supper (gospel)
- "Wooden" suspenders: wood of the cross
- Purple shirt: Lenten season
Dress your life!
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