May 16, 2014: Friday, 4th week of Easter

- Acts 13:26-33 Paul in Antioch synagogue: “to us this word of salvation has been sent. The inhabitants of Jerusalem failed to recognize him and had him killed, but God raised him up. We're proclaiming this good news to you: God fulfilled his promise to our ancestors by raising Jesus from the dead.
- Ps 2:6-11ab "You are my Son; this day I have begotten you." I've set up my king to rule the nations. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice before him with trembling.
- Jn 14:1-6 Don't let your hearts be troubled; have faith in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. I will take you to myself. I am the way and the truth and the life....
- Homily: Getting to know Jesus is our most important work, and study and ideas aren't enough. Open three doors:
- Pray to Jesus. We'll never know Jesus without praying; study alone is useless. Pray to get to know him better. The great theologians did their theology while kneeling. Prayer from the heart isn't like a parrot's.
- Celebrate Jesus. Prayer isn't enough; we need the joy of celebration. Celebrate Jesus through his Sacraments; they give us life, strength, nourishment, comfort, and a mission. The Church is all about celebration.
- Imitate Jesus. How must I imitate him? Open the Book of the Gospel and see what he did, told us, and taught us.
Enter the mystery of Jesus through these doors and know him. In my life, how are prayer, Christian celebration, and imitation of Jesus?
- Thou shalt break them, from Messiah/ Handel (psalm)
- We are one body/ Scallon (for "I am the way..." verse) (gospel)
- The call ("Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life")/ Vaughan Williams (gospel); the rest of his Five Mystical Songs are here and here.
- By name I have called you/ Angotti (gospel); thanks, Mary Janus! [composer's intro]
- Creighton: Christianity is about Jesus. The early Church was called "the Way." The way is Jesus. Be on the Way = trust in Jesus.
- Jesus himself is the way, the truth, and the life: he didn't come just to give advice and direction; he embodies truth in his life; he gives unending abundant life.
- Roman Missal: Jesus "is the way that leads us to you, the truth that sets us free, the life that fills us with gladness." (Preface for Various Needs III)
- Passionist: We might lose sense of the way, truth, and life embodied in the Gospel, but we're always welcome to return to God's merciful love.
- Universalis: St. Simon Stock, religious. St. Brendan, priest. St. John Stone, theologian/martyr.
- "Hearts" suspenders: “Don't let your hearts be troubled." (gospel)
- "Star" tie pin: “I am the way." (Star guided the magi; I know it's a stretch, but I don't have a compass except as an Android app. :-) (gospel)
- White tie pin: Easter season
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