May 24, 2014

May 24

May 24, 2014:  Saturday, 5th week  of Easter

Wordle: Readings 5-24-14
  • Acts 16:1-10  Paul reached Lystra, where there was a disciple named Timothy of whom the brothers spoke highly; Paul wanted him to come along.  The churches grew stronger in faith and larger in number.  They passed through Asia and Bithynia because the Spirit prevented them from preaching there.  After Paul had a vision of a Macedonian imploring him to come to Macedonia, they concluded God was calling them to proclaim the Good News there and so went.
  • Ps 100:1b-3, 5 "Let all the earth cry out to God with joy."  Know the Lord is God.  We're his people, the flock he tends.  The Lord is good, kind, and faithful forever. 
  • Jn 15:18-21  “I've chosen you out of the world.  You don't belong to the world, and so the world hates you; it hated me first.  ‘No slave is greater than his master.’  If they persecuted me, they'll persecute you too; they'll do all this to you on account of me because they don't know the one who sent me.”
Pope Francis
  • Friday homily:  Jesus: “I'll pray the Father, and he'll give you another Paraclete” (Jn 14:16).  The first Paraclete is Jesus himself; the other is the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit prepares, anoints, and sends:
    • At Jesus' baptism, the Spirit prepared him for his mission.  The Spirit had been at work in him from his conception: “Mary, the Spirit will come upon you... and you'll bear a son.”  The Spirit acted in Simeon and Anna at his presentation in the Temple; both awaited the Messiah and, inspired by the Spirit, knew the child was the one, and their prophecy prepared for the encounter between the Messiah and the people.  The Spirit's works are part of a divine plan of love.  The mission of the Spirit is to beget harmony and peace.  Diversity shouldn't prove an obstacle; variety enriches.  Ask the Spirit for peace and unity.
    • The Spirit anoints:  he anointed Jesus inwardly and anointed his disciples, so they could have the mind of Christ and live in peace and communion.  Through the Spirit's anointing, human nature is sealed with the holiness of Christ, and we're enabled to love with God's love and concretely show humility, fraternity, forgiveness, and reconciliation, prerequisites of true peace.  Ask to be anointed, conformed to Christ, seeing each other as brothers and sisters, setting aside divisions and showing love:  “If you love me, you'll keep my commandments, and the Father will give you another Paraclete to be with you for ever.”
    • The Spirit sends:  Jesus, filed with the Spirit, is sent forth.  Anointed, we're also sent as messengers and witnesses of peace.  Peace is a gift to be sought patiently and “crafted” through daily actions.   We're members of the one human family, children of the same Father, made in his image.  The Spirit descended on Jesus and inaugurated his work of redemption.
Let's ask the Spirit to prepare our hearts to encounter others and overcome our differences; let's ask him to anoint us with the oil of mercy to heal the injuries caused by mistakes, misunderstandings, and disputes; and let's ask him to send us forth to seek peace.
      Music for the psalm [more info:  Sept. 6]
        • Creighton:  “We're not human beings having a spiritual experience; we're spiritual beings having a human experience.” (Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man, but I couldn't find it there or in Le phénomène humain)  Jesus was a “re-orienter,” disorienting us from the world we're comfortable in by challenging us to view it differently, calling us to a new way of living, and preparing us for the ultimate “re-orientation” of death.  He calls us to love others, keeping our orientation in perspective relative to our future one. If we act as if this world is temporary and all possessions, including life, are borrowed from the Creator to be used as the Lender intends, then we'll help the weak and give/share generously...
        • One Bread One Body:  Today Acts moves from "they" [were prevented from preaching in Asia] to "we" [sought passage to Macedonia; see note].  Once Luke joined the team, the door was opened to bring the gospel to Europe; God chose him to use his gifts to that purpose.  Am I a Luke?  Is there a ministry, community, or vocation for which I'm the missing piece?  Grant me discernment and docility to the Spirit. 
            •  Don't love the world or things in it; in Scripture, 'the world' is society opposed/hostile to God.  Do I  seek to please God in my intentions, actions, and relationships?
              • Passionist:  "To keep the word":   the Greek τηρέω is more nuanced than keep; it connotes guard/treasure.   "Mary treasured up all these things, pondering [the angels' words] in her heart." (Lk 2:19)   Prize God's powerful word to us; hearing and keeping it brings us into family intimacy with Christ: "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it."  (Lk 8:21

                • "Dove" pin:  "The Holy Spirit prevented them from preaching in Asia and Bithynia" (1st reading); "Because you don't belong to the world, the world hates you." (gospel)
                • "Children around the world" tie:  "Let all the earth cry out to God with joy." (psalm)
                • "Sheep" tie bar:  "We're the flock he tends" (psalm)
                • White in shirt:  Easter season
                Dress your life!

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