May 28, 2014: Wednesday, 6th week of Easter

- Acts 17:15, 22-18:1 Paul at the Areopagus: “I saw your altar, ‘To an Unknown God.’ What you unknowingly worship, I proclaim. God gave life and breath so that we may find him. As your poets say, ‘We're his offspring.’ God isn't an image we fashioned but raised Jesus from the dead, established a day of judgment, and demands we repent. When they heard about resurrection of the dead, some scoffed, but others said, “Some other time....” Paul left Athens for Corinth. but some joined him and became believers.
- Ps 148:1-2, 11-14 "Heaven and earth are full of your glory." Praise the Lord who has lifted up his people!
- Jn 16:12-15 “I have more to tell you, but you can't bear it now. When the Spirit comes, he'll lead you to truth, taking what's mine and declaring it to you.”
- Audience: My journey to the Holy Land was a great grace for me and the Church. We prayed before the tomb of the Risen Lord and renewed our commitment to work for Christian unity. The journey was also to encourage those who work for peace in the Middle East and those who care for those suffering the effects of war and violence. I've invited the Presidents of Israel and Palestine to join me in praying for peace. I wished to confirm in faith the Christian communities in the Holy Land, to acknowledge their difficulties, and to support their works; may the prayer and solidarity of the Church sustain their witness to the Gospel message and help bring peace.
- Altar to the unknown God/ Theocracy (with lyrics since you may not hear them) (1st reading)
- Creighton: Today Paul would find "altars" to the human body, the dollar, sports, materialism, and degradation of life but have to look harder for soup kitchens, shelters, and adoption centers. What time and money we spend indicates our priorities; our culture espouses hedonism, individualism, and minimalism. Lord, open our eyes to the “altars” we build, help us choose the ones that bring us closer to God, and show us how we can help transform culture.
- One Bread One Body: At Athens Paul tried the mission solo, impatient to wait for Silas and Timothy, and didn't proclaim Jesus crucified; lack of community and not emphasizing the cross can weaken our evangelization. Corinth was different.
- St. Augustine on how the Spirit guided the disciples in truth: "When he says, 'He will teach you all truth' or 'will guide you into all truth,' I do not think the fulfillment is possible in this present life. For who is there, while living in this corruptible and soul-oppressing body, that can know all truth when even the apostle says, 'We know in part'? But it is effected by the Holy Spirit, of whom we have now received the promise, that we attain the fullness of knowledge that [Paul] references when he says, 'face to face' and 'then shall I know even as I am known.' He is talking about something in the future when he would attain that perfection. This is what the Lord promised through the Spirit when he said, 'He will teach you all truth' or 'will guide you into all truth.'" (Tractate on the Gospel of John 96:4)
At Pentecost after the Holy Spirit was poured out, the apostles boldly proclaimed the truth of the Gospel and made, baptized, and taught disciples. Today, through the Spirit's guidance, we too proclaim the same faith.
- Universalis: Bl. Margaret Pole, countess, martyr

- "Question mark" tie pin: altar inscribed ‘To an Unknown God’ (1st reading)
- "Stone" tie pin, silver and gold accessories: God isn't like an image fashioned from gold, silver, or stone (1st reading)
- White tie pin: Easter season
- "Dove" pin: The Spirit of truth (gospel)
- "Angel" pin: Praise God, you his angels (psalm)
- Tie with horns: God has lifted up the 'horn' of his people (psalm)
Dress your life!
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