June 5, 2014: St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr

- Acts 22:30; 23:6-11 Paul before the Sanhedrin: “I'm a Pharisee on trial for hope in the resurrection.” The ensuing Pharisees/Sadducees dispute was so serious that the commander had Paul rescued and taken to the compound. Lord: “As you've borne witness in Jerusalem, so must you in Rome.”
- Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11 "Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope." I'm glad you won't abandon me but will show me the path to life and joy.
- Jn 17:20-26 Jesus prayed: “May they all be one as you, Father, and I are. I've given them the glory you gave me, so they may be brought to perfection as one, and all may know you sent me and loved them. I made and will make you known to the world so that your love, and I, may be in them.”
- Homily: People with one foot inside and one foot outside the Church don't feel the Church is theirs. Some 'rent' the Church but don't claim it as home:
- 'Uniformists' want everyone equal; they don't have the freedom the Spirit gives. Christ never wanted his Church rigid.
- 'Alternativists' don't want to conform their minds to the Church's: "We're Catholics, but with these alternative ideas." They've been around since the first Gnostics.
- 'Exploitationists' call themselves Christian but don't come from the heart of the Church; they're here for personal benefit, doing business in the Church. They've been there since Simon Magus, Ananias, and Sapphira, taking advantage of the Church for profit; benefactors who strut their stuff but do business under the table are among them. If you enter the Church, do so out of love and give your heart. The Church is a home to live in, not a house to rent.
The Holy Spirit brings unity=harmony, freedom, and generosity in the Church. Thank God we're not all the same, but we're all called to be docile to the Spirit. Docility transforms the Church from a house to a home.
- That they may all be one/ Acappella (gospel)
- Psalm 16: At your right hand are pleasures forevermore/ Mui [song page] (psalm)
- For you are my God/ Foley (psalm)
- One Bread One Body: Paul turned the Sadducees against the Pharisees, but after they fought each other, he was almost torn to pieces, then left in prison for two years, shipwrecked, and kept under house arrest two more years. He lost years by taking shortcuts; human ingenuity can backfire, but God works things out for the good of those who love him. Follow the Spirit; our plans fail but God's succeed.
- DailyScripture.net: Jesus' prayers were personal, direct, and focused on the good of others. Today's prayer is focused on the love and unity. We're called to unity like Jesus' with the Father: mutual love, service, honor; oneness of mind, heart, and spirit. Jesus entrusted the task of spreading the gospel to his disciples even though he knew they'd abandon him. He entrusts us with the same mission and continues as high priest interceding for us.
- Universalis: St. Boniface [was Wynfrith], missionary, murdered
- White and red shirt: white for Easter season, red for Pentecost novena
- "Angel" pin: "Suppose an angel has spoken to him..." (1st reading)
- "Cups" tie: "Lord, my portion and cup" (psalm)
- "Hand" tie pin: "With the Lord at my right hand I shall not be disturbed." (psalm)
- "Hearts" suspenders: "my heart is glad" (psalm)
- "Eyeball" tie pin: Jesus lifted his eyes toward heaven... (gospel)
- "Kneeling person" tie bar: ...and prayed (gospel)
- "Children holding hands" pin: "May they all be one" (gospel)
Dress your life!
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