June 4, 2014: Wednesday, 7th Week of Easter

- Acts 20:28-38 Paul to Ephesus presbyters: “Keep watch over yourselves and the flock you oversee. Wolves will come, and men from your own group will draw disciples away, so be vigilant. I commend you to God and his word that can build you up. Help the weak, remembering ‘It's more blessed to give than to receive.’” Then he knelt down and prayed with them. They wept and kissed him, distressed they'd never see him again, and escorted him to the ship.
- Ps 68:29-30, 33-35-36ab "Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth." You took our part and give power and strength to your people.
- Jn 17:11b-19 Jesus prayed: “Father, keep them in your name, so that they may be one as we are one. I protected them, and none were lost except the son of destruction. I gave them your word, and the world hated them, because they don't belong to the world any more than I do. Keep them from the Evil One. I sent them into the world and consecrate myself for them, so they may be consecrated in truth.”
- Audience on Spirit's gift of piety: Through this spiritual gift, we experience ever anew, with joy and gratitude, the loving relationship with God our Father that grounds and perfects our authentic worship of God. The love poured into our hearts by the Spirit leads us to perceive the Lord’s presence and love and moves us to respond joyfully in prayer and adoration. Piety is that genuine religious spirit which makes us turn to the Father as his children and grow in our love for others. Through this gift, may we always help others, in the joyful awareness of the solidarity born of our communion with God in the unity of Christ’s body, the Church.
- Monday's homily (to married couples, posted late): Christ is the model and measure of fidelity, perseverance, and fruitfulness, pillars of the husband-wife relationship, with his three loves: Father, Mother, and Church. Jesus married the Church for love; he loves his beautiful, holy, sinful bride. Married life must be persevering for love to go forward; when family, money, or other problems arise, the couple tries to work things out. Jesus' love makes the Church fruitful, giving her children through Baptism, and the Church grows with spousal fruitfulness. When fertility in marriage is tested (e.g., if children are sick or don't come), look to Christ and draw on his fertility with the Church. Spouses who don't want children reach old age with the bitterness of loneliness; Jesus makes his Church fruitful.
- Regina Cœli re Ascension: “Setting out” is the key: Jesus sets out toward the Father and commands us to 'set out' into the world. Jesus’ return to the Father isn't separation from us; he shows us we're heading to the Father. He said he was going to prepare a place for us, and he's with us even when we can't see him. Jesus brought the Father a present: his wounds. “Father, this is the price of the forgiveness you've given.” Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness; the Father always forgives, because he sees Jesus' wounds. He sees our sin and pardons it. Jesus is also present in the Church, which prolongs his mission. Jesus commanded his disciples, “Go make disciples of all nations”; it's not optional, but we can only do it because he remains with us. Without the Lord and the Spirit's power, our work is ineffective.
- Re World Communications Day (mentioned at his Regina Cœli): Modern means of social communication can promote the sense of the unity of the human family, solidarity, and the commitment to a dignified life for all. [He released his message for the day early; see Jan. 23 through Jan. 28 for a summary.]
- By the waking of our hearts/ Manalo (based on the Pentecost sequence)
- Send down the fire/ Haugen; see Sept. 23 for more about the song.
- Creighton: God's word is gracious, full of grace, and can build us up if we allow it.
- One Bread One Body: When you receive the Holy Spirit, you may be more joyful and more sorrowful, but accept it because it's from God's love.

- "Sheep" tie bar: "Keep watch over the whole flock" (1st reading)
- "Dove" pin, red shirt: The Holy Spirit appointed you overseers of the flock (1st reading); Pentecost "novena"
- Silver- and gold-colored accessories, all my clothing: "I've never wanted anyone’s silver or gold or clothing." (1st reading)
- "Hand" tie pin: "These hands have served my needs and my companions." (1st reading)
- "Kneeling person" tie bar: "he knelt down and prayed with them" (1st reading); Jesus prayed (gospel)
- "Eyeball" tie pin: Jesus lifted his eyes to heaven (gospel)
- "Children holding hands around the world" tie: "may they be one as we are one"; "Don't take them from the world" (gospel)
- White on tie: Easter season
(Oops: forgot my "sailboat" tie bar, for "They escorted him to the ship" (1st reading))
Dress your life!
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