July 22, 2014: St. Mary Magdalene
- Mi 7:14-15, 18-20 Shepherd your people. Let them feed as when you came from Egypt; show us wonderful signs. No one else removes guilt, pardons sin, and delights in clemency and compassion. You will show faithfulness.
- Ps 85:2-4, 5-6, 7-8 "Lord, show us your mercy and love." You have favored your land, brought back captives, forgiven our guilt, and withdrawn your wrath. Restore us, give us life, and save us.
- Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 When Mary Magdalene saw the stone removed from the tomb, she ran to Peter and John: “They've taken the Lord from the tomb,and we don’t know where they put him.” Angels / Mary: “Why are you weeping?” / “They've taken my Lord.” Then she saw Jesus but didn't recognize him. Jesus: “Why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” Mary, thinking he was the gardener: “If you took him, tell me and I'll take him.” Jesus / Mary: “Mary!” / “Rabbouni (Teacher)” / “Don't cling to me, for I haven't yet ascended, but go tell my brothers, ‘I am going to my Father and your Father, my God and your God.’” She announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord” and reported what he told her.
Noli me tangere/ Titian (gospel) |
- Message for UK Day for Life (#LiveLife): Protect and cherish life, especially of the most vulnerable, from its beginning to its natural end. I'm confident this annual witness to the sanctity of God’s gift of life will inspire the faithful to combat the culture of death, not only by working to ensure adequate legal protection for the fundamental human right to life, but also by seeking to bring the merciful love of Christ as a life-giving balm to “new forms of poverty and vulnerability” (Evangelii Gaudium 210).
- Happy Magdalene, to whom/ Wesley*
- Resting from his work today/ Whytehead*
- He rose from the dead*
- Hear the voice of Jesus say, I will give you rest/ Lemon*
- Jesus, the only thought of thee/ St. Bernard*
- Lift your voice rejoicing, Mary/ tr. Charles*
- Who is there on this Easter morning/ Dudley-Smith*
- I don't know how to love him, from Jesus Christ Superstar/ Webber, Rice (speculation)
- Creighton: Mary Magdalene, though wrongly identified as the “sinful woman,” is actually a woman Jesus healed who became a faithful disciple. Similarly, we can recalling only our sinfulness and forget how God has healed us and how we strive to be faithful disciples. Mary's healing and conversion led her to discipleship. She faced human challenges and spiritual darkness/desolation in which she couldn't see Jesus standing before her. St. Ignatius Loyola counsels us not to lose sight of God’s power in such times. In dark moments, as Mary wanted to cling to Jesus, we may want to cling to the notion of ourselves as helpless, but that doesn't unleash Christ's power. “Lord, show us your mercy and love.”
- DailyScripture.net: It's easy to miss the Lord when focusing on ourselves. Mary, focusing on the tomb and her grief, didn't recognize Jesus till she heard him call her name. Do I recognize the Lord in the scriptures, the Eucharist, and the Christian community...?
- Universalis: Jesus healed Mary of Magdala of “seven devils.” She served him in Galilee and was present at his crucifixion. She was among the first to discover the empty tomb, and the risen Jesus appeared to her first. There's no evidence that she was (or wasn't) “the woman who was a sinner” and the sister of Martha and Lazarus. See Catholic Encyclopedia.
- 'Sheep' tie bar: "Shepherd your people" (1st reading)
- 'Signs' tie: "Show us wonderful signs" (1st reading)

- 'Stone' tie pin: "Mary Magdalene saw the stone removed from the tomb" (gospel)
- 'Eyeball' tie pin: "I have seen the Lord" (gospel)
- 'Question mark' tie pin: “Why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” (gospel)
- Two 'angel' pins: She saw two angels sitting at the tomb (gospel)
- White shirt: color of today's celebration
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