August 29, 2014: Passion (Beheading, Martyrdom) of St. John the Baptist
- 1 Cor 1:17-25 Christ sent me to preach the Gospel, The message of the cross is foolishness to the perishing but God's power to those being saved, Jews demand signs and Greeks wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, God's power and wisdom to those called. God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, God's weakness stronger than human strength.
- Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11 "The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord." Give thanks to the Lord on the harp and lyre; his plan stands forever.
- Mk 6:17-29 John the Baptist to Herod: “It's wrong for you to have your brother’s wife [Herodias].” Herodias had a chance to get him killed at his birthday banquet: her daughter danced, delighted Herod, asked for John's head. He had him beheaded; John's disciples buried his body.
- Dance of the Seven Veils, from Salome/ Strauss fits the gospel: find one yourself if you can tolerate possible adult content.
"Roamin' Catholic" report
While on vacation I attended the Saturday 5pm Mass at St. Elizabeth in Guerneville (Diocese of Santa Rosa); they sometimes celebrate outdoors but didn't then. The presider came right from the 4pm Mass at one of the parish's mission stations, led the singing of You are mine, Servant song, We walk by faith, and two Mass parts (Celtic alleluia, Agnus Dei). His homily focused on Peter's 'quest' spurred on my Jesus' quest-ion ("Who do you say I am?"). (more Roamin' Catholic reports)
"How I spent my summer vacation"
First sunset (thanks, God and Lucy) |
We enjoyed nature and family! Thank God for Yvonne, Sally, and Manny who kindly published guest posts while I was away; see the cartoon below for an idea about the campground's data service.
Zits/ Scott, Borgman |
- Creighton: Paul and the Corinthians ran into the same rejection of the Good News as today's. May God give us a bold spirit and a heart for his children.
- One Bread One Body: We may not be able to avoid persecution, but we can refuse to be crushed. Accept God's grace to be uncrushable; stand up for the Truth. Don't be crushed; be free, true, pure, holy, victorious, and glorious.
- Passionist: John the Baptist, died as a martyr for the truth he preached to those around him. Martyrs still die making choices; we all make choices that affect our lives and others'. Choose love, inclusion, friendship, compassion, sharing, and love. John chose and suffered the consequences; so did Jesus. How am I choosing?
- Are you prepared to be a witness, even martyr, for Christ? John was imprisoned, then beheaded. People still persecute God's kingdom; martyrs' testimony proves victory, through Christ's. The Holy Spirit fills us with courage, love, and boldness to make Christ known and loved; his love is stronger than fear and death.
- Universalis: John the Baptist and Joseph are the only saints with two feasts: June's celebrates John's birth; today's, his death. John was a prophet from before birth, leaping in the womb to announce Jesus' coming. He courageously announced he was least in the kingdom. When the great or talented come across someone greater, they'll feel like we do. Pray they, like John, may pass that test. See Catholic Encyclopedia.
- 'Sheet music with skulls as note heads' tie: dance, then beheading (gospel)
- 'Silverware' tie bar: Herod's birthday banquet (gospel)
- Crucifix: "We proclaim Christ crucified..." (1st reading)
- 'Owl' tie pin: " those who are called, Christ the power and wisdom of God." (1st reading)
- Red shirt: color of today's celebration
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