September 30, 2014: St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor
Job was tested; he lost family, health, all he had. His prayer sounds like a curse, but when people in hard situations complain, ask, "Why?," and rebel against God, it's prayer, just like Jesus' "Father, why have you forsaken me!" Job was praying, being truthful before God. True prayer comes from the heart, from the moment we're living in. So many, like Job, don't understand and have no hope; think of Christians driven out of their homes, the elderly, the sick, and the lonely. The Church prays for them all, while we who suffer just a little stop praying. Some even say, "I'm angry with God; I won't go to Mass," but when St. Thérèse heard a voice telling her nothing awaited her, she prayed for strength to persevere, entering into patience. Our complaints are overdramatized, compared with those of so many in the dark, who have, like Jesus, almost lost hope, exiled even from themselves! Prepare your heart for the darkness, and pray for those in darkness and suffering; it's the Church's prayer for these ‘Suffering Jesuses.'
- 'Kneeling person' tie bar: "Let my prayer come before you, Lord." (psalm)
- 'Phone' tie bar: "Incline your ear to my call" (psalm)
- 'Medical' pin: St. Jerome, 'doctor' of the Church
- My darkest tie and suspenders: Job's darkest moment: losing everything, cursing his day (1st reading)
- White shirt: color of St. Jerome's memorial
- Take the word of God with you/ Harrison, Walker: (but hear this one for the chords) sample sheet music (St. Jerome)
- Thy word/ Grant (St. Jerome; verses: 1st reading)
- How still and peaceful is the grave/ Blair: sheet music, or pick a CM tune (1st reading)
- Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23 Job: Perish the day I was born. Why didn't I die at birth? Why is light given to toilers and life to the bitter? They wait for death but it doesn't come...
- Ps 88:2-8 "Let my prayer come before you, Lord." O Lord, my God, by day I cry out; I'm surfeited with troubles, without strength, like the slain cut off from your care. Your wrath lies heavy on me...
- Lk 9:51-56 Jesus resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem. On the way they entered a Samaritan village, but they wouldn't welcome him because he was heading for Jerusalem. James and John / Jesus: “Want us to call down fire to consume them?” / No! and they went to another village.
- Universalis: St. Jerome, unwillingly ordained a priest, founded monastery, hospice, and school, translated Bible into Latin, wrote many works, including letters and commentaries on Scripture, and helped refugees and those in need. See Catholic Encyclopedia.
- Excerpt from St. Jerome's commentary on Isaiah with his well-known warning, "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ."
- Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily podcast: Read, study, pray the Scriptures. God is present when you're hemmed in like Job.
- Creighton: Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem results in his passion, death, resurrection, and ascension. The Samaritans’ refused him hospitality because of their quarrel with Jews about the proper place to worship (Mount Gerizim vs. Jerusalem); they didn't want to support his heresy. James and John found the breach of hospitality offensive, but Jesus urged nonviolence. When we meet rejection, let's "love the enemy" and consider the possible source of hostility.
- Passionist: Job didn't know things would get better for him. We need a vision of hope: "When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. In the end, tyrants and murderers always fall." (Mahatma Gandhi)
- Jesus faced rejection and abuse to reconcile us with God and one another. Christian love, following Jesus' example, seeks the highest good of friend and enemy alike. "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" (Lincoln) How do I treat those who cause me trouble?