October 27, 2014: Monday, 30th week, Ordinary Time
- Christ, be our Light/ Farrell
- We are called/ Haas
- Eph 4:32-5:8 Be kind, compassionate, forgiving. Imitate God and live in love. Give thanks; no immorality, impurity, greed (all idolatry), obscenity, suggestive talk. Don't be deceived by empty arguments. You were once darkness, but now you're light in the Lord; live as children of light.
- Ps 1:1-4, 6 "Behave like God as his very dear children." Blessed those who delight in and meditate on God's law; they bear fruit and prosper, while the wind drives away the wicked.
- Lk 13:10-17 Jesus to crippled woman: “You're set free of your infirmity.” She stood up and glorified God. Leader (indignant he cured on the sabbath) / Jesus: “Don't come on the sabbath to be cured.” / “Hypocrites! You water your ox on the sabbath. Shouldn't this daughter of Abraham have been set free today?” His adversaries were humiliated, and the crowd rejoiced...
Pope Francis homily
If our words are hypocrisy, taking from here and there to fit in, they're empty. If they're vulgar, trivial, or worldly, they're not of children of light, the Spirit, Jesus, or the Gospel. What are the words of the Saints? "Imitate God, walk in love, goodness, meekness, mercy, forgiveness." Those who walk in this way are children of light.

Paul tells us, Be kind, compassionate and forgiving. That behavior is the pathway to the freedom Jesus alludes to in the Gospel. By giving of ourselves in acts of kindness and compassion, we break the bonds of oppression. We pierce the shield of darkness that is frequently cast over us. When we forgive, another life suddenly seems brighter. The path to peace is illuminated and we can see the way forward.
About the blogger
If our words are hypocrisy, taking from here and there to fit in, they're empty. If they're vulgar, trivial, or worldly, they're not of children of light, the Spirit, Jesus, or the Gospel. What are the words of the Saints? "Imitate God, walk in love, goodness, meekness, mercy, forgiveness." Those who walk in this way are children of light.
There are bright Christians, full of light, who seek to serve the Lord in the light, and dark ones, distant from the Lord, who use words that belong to the evil one, but there are also Christians of they gray area, on one side, then the other. They're lukewarm. The Lord tells them, "You're neither hot nor cold. Because you're lukewarm—in the gray area—I'll vomit you out of my mouth." (Rev 3:15-16 ) They say, "I'm a Christian but don't overdo it!" and so cause harm; their witness is negative, sowing confusion. The Lord has strong words for them. Don't be deceived by empty words but behave as children of light. Ask, "Am I a Christian of the light, of the dark, or of the gray area?" Then we can take a step forward to meet the Lord.
- Creighton: When I walk with God, I might not see him, but I know he's there and that our walks are important.
- Passionist: Jesus levels the playing field in healing today's cripple.
- DailyScripture.net: What keeps me bound or oppressed? Jesus wants to set me free.
- Universalis: St. Otteran, abbot
About the blogger
Sr. Rosanne Belpedio is the director for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Liturgy and has dedicated many years to Initiation Ministry, training parish teams and coordinators to implement the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
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