October 29, 2014: Wednesday, 30th week, Ordinary Time
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Communion of Saints tapestry, by John Nava, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels |

- They'll know we are Christians by Peter Scholtes
- Litany of the Saints by John Becker
- Eph 6:1-9 Children, obey your parents. Fathers, don't provoke your children; instruct them in the Lord. Slaves, be obedient to your masters in sincerity of heart, as slaves of Christ. Masters, act in the same way towards them, and stop bullying, knowing that both they and you have a Master in heaven and that with him there is no partiality.
- Ps 145:10-14 "The Lord is faithful in all his words." Let your works thank you and your faithful bless you. The Lord is faithful and holy; he lifts up the falling and raises those bowed down.
- Lk 13:22-30 “Strive to enter through the narrow gate; many will try but won't be strong enough. After the master locks the door, you'll say, ‘Open the door for us,’ he'll reply, ‘I do not know you,’ you'll say, ‘We ate and drank with you...,’ he'll say, ‘I don't know you; depart, you evildoers!’ and there will be grinding of teeth. Some of the last will be first, and some of the first, last.”
Today's scripture points our gaze toward the relationships in our lives and our relationship with our God. Who do we strive to be? Whether mother or father, daughter or son, or disciple, how we respond to one another and to God determines all things in our lives. It's not about status or prestige but how we love and serve. At the heart of the matter is our conversion.
Covenant relationship requires mercy and commitment from both sides as well as adhering to the promises made and accepted. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be present and love those around us. It is not as important to be perfect as to be constant and steadfast in seeking to bring about the Kingdom of God.
In my own daily struggles to follow Jesus, I often realize how I fail to be love and accept love in my relationships. Usually it's when I feel stressed and pressured by all the demands placed on my time and energy that I discover that I'm most likely to compromise my values, act harshly, and ignore the need around me. In those moments, I turn to in prayer to the Communion of Saints for inspiration and guidance. I include the loved ones that have gone before and remember their presence and unique gifts of each life striving toward love. The Saints offer hope to us all. —Yvonne Huitron, Guest Blogger
- One Bread One Body: "The Lord of the works and the works of the Lord" Interpret 'slaves' in the first reading as 'employees'....
- Passionist: The narrow entrance to the Kingdom comes with requirements. Inscription over Gethsemani Trappist monastery entrance: "God Alone." Enter the Kingdom with hearts open; leave everything else behind. Jesus led the way on the Cross, stripped of everything, alone and full of love for us and God. May we all follow Him into the Kingdom of God!
- DailyScripture.net: Jesus' story about the door being shut to latecomers suggests they'd offended the host and deserved exclusion; teachers would close the door on tardy students for a week. Jesus said being people in a covenant relationship with God isn't an admission ticket to God's kingdom; Jesus is the door. Following the Lord requires effort and commitment. Strive (can be translated 'agony') to enter his kingdom; struggle against opposition, even temptations to indifference, apathy, or compromise, and hope in Jesus' promises and love for God. The Lord is with us to strengthen us in our struggles.
- Universalis: The Blessed Martyrs of Douai College. St. Colman MacDuagh, abbot, bishop; see Wikipedia.
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