October 7, 2014: Our Lady of the Rosary
- 'Silverware' tie pin: Martha was serving... (gospel)
- 'Feet' tie: ...while Mary was at Jesus' feet (gospel)

- Mini-rosary: Our Lady of the Rosary
- 'Airplane' tie pin (cropped out so see here): Paul's travels (1st reading); "My journeys... you scrutinize" (psalm)
- Green in suspenders: Ordinary Time (season)
- 'Blessed Mother blue' shirt: Our Lady of the Rosary
For Our Lady of the Rosary
- Pray audio rosaries from ScripturalRosary.org
- Pray audio rosaries from EWTN
For the gospel
- How beautiful are the feet of them, from Messiah/ Handel "...that preach the gospel of peace" (and that sit at Jesus' feet)
- Jesus, you once called disciples/ Gillette (to tune of There's a wideness in God's mercy)
- One thing is needful!/ Schröder tr. Winkworth: harp, organ
- What a friend we have in Jesus/ Scriven (lyrics+) (v. 3 ? gospel)
- Lo! I come with joy/ Wesley: sheet music, another tune (note unusual meter)
- Blessed Martha love and joy expressed/ Newton (of Amazing Grace fame); pick a long meter (8888/LM) tune (how to play)
- When Jesus was in Bethany/ Keithahn; pick a common meter double (CMD/86.86D) tune
- Jesus Christ, the apple tree (lyrics+) (gospel) (resembles beginning of Both sides now)
For psalm 139
Pope Francis homily: As the Lord chose and accompanied Paul throughout his life, he continues to do which each of us. Paul remembered his journey, confessing to persecuting the church, not boasting in goodness or nobility. We forget the past, but each of us has a story of grace, sin, and journey. Pray with your history as Paul did, telling a piece of his story and saying, "He chose, called, and saved me! He was my companion on the journey."
Remembering our lives, including our sins, gives glory to God. Jesus invites us to remember, as Paul did, boasting about his sins and Christ's salvation. When Jesus told Martha "you only need one thing," he meant listening to God and remembering. Approach prayer like Mary, with your story in your heart. You can't pray as if you don't have one, but often we're distracted like Martha by work, daily events, or things we have to do, and we forget. Remember God chose us; remember our journey of covenant; remember we're sinners who haven't respected this covenant; remember and hope in God’s promise: this is the true prayer. Pray psalm 139: "Lord, you know and understand me": to pray is to remember in God's presence; our story is the story of His love for us.
Love privatized: The ‘feel good factor’ outweighs other values, particularly ones requiring commitment and sacrifice. Regard the family with hope and mercy; proclaim its value and beauty. Many see life as a series of moments, not a project, and commitment as formidable. But the Gospel of the family is a remedy; propose it by being with those who find it hard to see and live. There's a shared heritage of faith: the family is still seen as worth promoting and defending. Marriage is indissoluble, but we must address those who seek new beginnings; we must discuss practical pastoral questions. Better formation is needed, especially so engaged couples are aware of marriage's dignity and role. A new culture of the family can help renew civilization.
We need to enable people in difficult marital conditions to feel God's and the Church's mercy, but mercy doesn't take away marriage's commitments.... Pastors need guidance to help couples in difficulty. We must look at preparation for and support of marriage, not just the question of sacraments for the divorced; we don't grant divorces and must avoid creating that impression. Let's study what the Orthodox Churches do....
Life is from conception to to natural death, and couples must be open to it, but some choose not to have children and others would have them at any cost, in both cases reducing procreation to self-determination. Welcoming and caring for life is only possible if the family is conceived within a network of relationships; they need support in their journeys. Tragedies often arise from desperation, loneliness, and a cry no one heard. Let's rediscover a sense of solidarity and overcome the “privatization of love” that entrusts the family to individual choice. We must create conditions favorable to welcoming children and caring for the elderly. We need to explain the value of love and sexuality. We must bring to today’s world, not just practicing Catholics, the attractive Christian message about marriage and family, giving true and loving answers; the world needs Christ! More
The synod and challenges to families:
- The definition has changed; people no longer agree with the Church’s understanding of marriage, so it's harder to speak to the world, because we have to explain our position as almost a minority understanding.
- Families move and don't have the same community support.
- Recently the more financially successful families have become the more stable ones, while those struggling economically have more difficulty staying together.
- Gal 1:13-24 I used to persecute and try to destroy the Church and zealously progress in Judaism, but when he who called me revealed his Son to me, I went into Arabia, returned to Damascus, went to Jerusalem to spend two weeks with Cephas, then went to Syria and Cilicia. The churches of Judea glorified God that the one once persecuting them was now preaching the faith.
- Ps 139:1b-3, 13-15 "Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way." Lord, you formed me and know me, my thoughts, and my actions, Your works are wonderful.
- Lk 10:38-42 Martha, burdened with serving while her sister Mary was listening to Jesus at his feet / Jesus, “Don't you care my sister left me serving by myself? Tell her to help.” / “Martha, Martha, you're anxious and worried about many things, but only one is needed. Mary has chosen the better part, and it won't be taken from her.”
- Creighton: Rediscover and celebrate the power of praying the rosary; here's my story... / Paul was passionate and zealous before and after his conversion, but look at the transformation and grace behind it. / You only live once; sometimes the dishes can wait.
- One Bread One Body: "Prayer, the first resort": Work, but pray first. Jesus prayed before his public ministry, before his day's work, before he died on the cross. Mary prayed in the upper room. Paul prayed...
- Passionist: Shouting "presence of God!"
- DailyScripture.net: Jesus enjoyed Martha and Mary's hospitality. Give God your concerns and preoccupations. Welcome the Lord into your home and heart.
- Pray the Rosary; see Universalis on the origin of today's feast
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