November 14, 2014: Friday, 32nd week, Ordinary Time
- 'Heart' tie bar: Let us love one another (1st reading); blessed those who seek God with all their heart (psalm)
- 'Commandments' tie: Walk according to God's commandments (1st reading); Blessed they who follow the Lord's law (psalm)
- Green in suspenders: Ordinary Time season, but look beyond the ordinary
- I want to walk as a child of the light/ Thomerson (1st reading)
- A new commandment/ Ward (1st reading, psalm) [more]
- Love one another/ Dufford (1st reading, psalm)
- Your words are spirit and life/ Farrell (1st reading, psalm)
For the psalm
- Blessed are those that be undefiled/ Tallis (lyrics+)
- That man is blest who, fearing God (lyrics+)
- Lord, you have done well with me (Psalm 119)
- 11 Psalm 119 songs by Isaac Watts (of Joy to the world fame)
ReadActions speak louder than words, particularly in transmitting the faith to young people. For them to experience truth and love, we must lead by example. Christians have to take care of children and pass on the faith they live. What's my attitude toward children? One of brother, father, mother, sister, that helps them grow—or detached and distant? We have a responsibility to give our best, our faith: give it by example! Words are pointless in today’s image-obsessed world where everyone has cell phones. Baptism opens the door to Christian life, a lifetime of "walking in truth and love." Know how to live this journey like Jesus did. Pray to Jesus and Mary for help in this journey of truth and love.
- 2 Jn 4-9 Let us love one another: walk according to his commandments. Many deceivers have gone out; they don't acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. Remain in the teaching of the Christ.
- Ps 119:1, 2, 10, 11, 17, 18 "Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!" With all my heart I seek you. Open my eyes, that I may consider the wonders of your law.
- Lk 17:26-37 “As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so too in the days of the Son of Man: they were eating and drinking, then the flood came or fire and brimstone rained. On the day the Son is revealed, don't go back to get what you left behind. Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it....
- Fr. Chris homily podcast: Yelp, hospitality, love, and service
- Creighton: Jesus: “God's kingdom is among you.” Be prepared, vigilant, and detached. Be Christ to others; love them. Am I focused on my relationship with Jesus? What am I attached to that would hinder me from answering God’s call?
- One Bread One Body: "Spaced or graced?" God in mercy brought us to life with Christ when we were dead in sin. No need to be confused or deceived; we can walk in truth and be ready for Jesus' coming.
- Passionist: "Walk in truth" = Love one another + acknowledge God's saving love in Jesus. Remember the 6 Jesuits and their 2 companions martyred in El Salvador 25 years ago; they loved God and their oppressed brothers and sisters to the end. Ellacuria: "You can't be for the reign of God unless you're also publicly and actively against the anti-reign" (Dear, "Remembering the Jesuit Martyrs," NCR 11-16-09). The martyrs are blessed for their work for peace, justice, and integrity of creation. How well have I loved others and walked in truth?
- "Where the body is, there the eagles/vultures) will gather." Attracted to carrion (animal carcasses), they swoop down when their prey is vulnerable to a surprise attack. / Jesus' return is certain; we don't know the time. It'll be swift and unexpected; don't be caught off-guard.
- Universalis: St. Dyfrig (Dubric, Dubricius), monastery founder; seeWikipedia. St. Laurenc O'Toole (Lorcán Ua Tuathail), bishop.
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