December 1, 2014: Monday, 1st week, Advent
- 'Sword' tie pin: They'll beat their swords into plowshares (1st reading)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: Nations will no longer train for war (1st reading); Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! (psalm)
- 'Medical' pin: Jesus healed centurion's servant (gospel)
- Purple shirt, tie, and suspenders: Advent season
For 1st reading
- Isaiah song/ Ward (about composer)
- Dream a dream/ Murray: lyrics+ (with Dona nobis pacem)
For Psalm 122
- Pray peace, from There is a River/ Manion
- I rejoiced when I heard them say/ Talbot
- I rejoiced/ Thomson or Feeley
- Psalm 122: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem/ Mui: lyrics/download
- Let us go rejoicing/ Bond & Bond, Haas, or Hurd
- More
“Without a living faith in the risen Christ the beautiful churches and monasteries gradually become museums, the commendable works and institutions lose their soul, leaving only empty spaces and lost people”.
Feed the flock. Serve and teach the faith. Renew your sense of collegiality and mutual support, and speak clearly with one voice. Some withhold the realism of the Gospel's social dimension. The Gospel counters thinking that denies our transcendence. The witness of Christians can brighten the way and support the pursuit of happiness. Be the Body of Christ, the People of God, not just another NGO.
Reach out to others, even if they differ from us in culture, religion, or belief. If we believe in the Spirit's work, we'll better understand each other, serve society, and contribute to peace, Church unity, and unity of the human family. Allow the faithful to live their faith clearly but not glossing over differences under the pretext of accommodation; avoid false ecumenism. Give time to your priests, especially those who have distanced themselves.
- Is 2:1-5 The Lord’s house shall be raised above the hills; all shall stream toward it: “Come, let us climb the Lord’s mountain, that he may instruct us, and we may walk in his paths.” He shall judge between nations. They'll beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning hooks; one nation won't raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war. House of Jacob, come walk in the light of the Lord!
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'Pruning hook' from today's words (animate) |
- Ps 122:1-9 "Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord." Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
- Mt 8:5-11 Centurion / Jesus: “My servant is home paralyzed, suffering dreadfully.” / “I'll come and cure him.” / “I'm not worthy to have you enter; just say the word and he'll be healed, just as soldiers do what I say.” / “In no one in Israel have I found such faith. Many will come and recline with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the banquet in the Kingdom.”
- Creighton: Isaiah says what's possible if we walk in the Lord's paths. / Psalm: if we go to the Lord's house, peace and prosperity are in our grasp. / Gospel: centurion shows faith in Jesus' healing power. Following the Lord, I'll be able to see his power.
- Passionist: Jerusalem is now experiencing violence as part of the Israel/Palestinians conflict. Jerusalem and longing for peace is in all the readings: 1st: through God's love and walking in his light, nations will turn to peace. Psalm: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!" Jerusalem stands for every gathering that longs for peace. Gospel: Jesus, struck by the centurion's faith, evokes Isaiah's dream: "Many will come [in peace] and recline ... at the banquet in the Kingdom of heaven." We live in a world of violence. Advent is a time of longing and hope. Renew your faith; pray and work for peace...
- God’s banquet invitation extends to all who turn to him. Many despised Roman centurions as outsiders, not chosen, representing foreign domination and paganism. Though slaves were treated like animals, this man cared for his. Jesus praised him for his faith. Am I willing to endure ridicule in the practice of my faith? Do I ask God with faith for help? /Isaiah foretold Jerusalem's restoration and a time of peace; Jesus fulfills this prophecy by restoring people to fellowship with God through the cross. When he comes again, he'll establish his universal rule of peace and justice and unite all in himself. Do I seek God's kingdom first? The Lord wants us to seek the coming of his kingdom in our lives.
- Saints, via Universalis
- Bl. Clementine Anuarite, martyr
- St. Alexander Briant, priest, martyr, honorary Jesuit
- St. Ralph Sherwin, priest, martyr: “We stand here because of religion, not treason.”
- St. Edmund Campion, Jesuit priest, martyr: “In condemning us, you condemn your own ancestors, our ancient bishops and kings, all that was once the glory of England — the island of saints, the most devoted child of the See of Peter.”
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