December 2, 2014: Tuesday, 1st week, Advent
- 'Scales of justice' pin: He'll judge the poor with justice (1st reading); justice shall flourish (psalm)
- 'Peace sign' tie bar: peace will flourish (psalm)
- 'Lamb,' 'calf,' 'lion,' 'bear' pins/bars: Wolf as lamb's guest, calf and lion together, cow and bear as neighbors (1st reading)
- 'Children' tie: A child will lead them (1st reading); You've revealed hidden things to the childlike (gospel)
- 'Eyeball' tie pin: Blessed are the eyes that see what you see (gospel)
- Purple shirt: Advent season
For 1st reading
- Sing out, earth and skies/ Haugen (lyrics)
- Isaiah the prophet has written of old/ Patterson (lyrics+) [1st 2 min]
- Songs of thankfulness and praise/ Wordsworth (lyrics+), which I missed on Thanksgiving Day
- Hasten the time appointed/ Borthwick (lyrics+) Karaoke
- God's surprise (Who would think that what was needed)/ Bell: lyrics (pp. 6-7): Christmas song containing 1st reading; actually many others do like Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light, People, look east, and Hark! The herald angels sing.
For psalm
- Lord, every nation on earth will adore you/ Parker: audio, sample sheet music; I won't post my adaptation of the tune to today's "Justice shall flourish" antiphon out of respect for ICEL and Parker copyrights, but it's straightforward. (psalm)
- Psalm 72: Every nation on earth will adore You/ Haas (psalm)
Only the childlike can receive Jesus' revelation: the humble, the poor in spirit, who feel the need to pray, to open up to God, who feel poor. Poverty is a gift that opens us to God, one that may be lacking in those dedicated to a life of study. If you don't do theology on your knees, humbly, like children, you won't understand anything. Only with poverty can we receive the revelation the Father gives through Jesus.
Jesus is like a bud—"A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse": humble and mild, he came to the humble, to save the sick, poor, and oppressed. The mystery of Jesus is humbling oneself; it saves the poor and comforts those stricken by disease, sin, and difficulties. Outside this context, you can't understand Jesus. Lord, bring us nearer to his mystery by the way of humility and poverty, the road where we feel sin, so you can save and free us.
- Is 11:1-10 From the stump of Jesse a shoot shall sprout and a bud blossom. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him. He'll judge the poor with justice. The wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie with the kid; the calf and the lion shall browse together, with a child guiding them. Cow and bear shall be neighbors. The baby shall play by the cobra’s den. Earth shall be filled with knowledge of the Lord. Gentiles shall seek the root of Jesse, for his dwelling shall be glorious.
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'Root and stump of Jesse' word cloud (self-animate) |
- Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 "Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever." The king shall govern with justice. He shall rescue the poor and the afflicted. He shall save the lives of the poor. In him shall all the earth be blessed.
- Lk 10:21-24 “I give you praise, Father, for you've revealed to the childlike things hidden from the wise. The Father has handed all things over to me.” To disciples: “Blessed your eyes; many desired to see what you see and hear what you hear.”
- Fr. Chris Bazyouros homily podcast: use God's gifts to not judge my appearance, to risk, to go beyond ourselves.
- Creighton: 'Advent' is from Latin ad venire (to come to): God's Kingdom, coming to us. 2 stages, and we await the 3rd:
- 1st: God is preparing his Kingdom for us, as a banquet: "In a society where food and drink were in short supply, the banquet image was powerful. The Lord supplies the meal, and it's open to all. It takes place on “this mountain,” likely the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, an image of God’s dwelling place. At it God will destroy death, end suffering, bring about salvation, and fulfill the hopes of God’s people" (Fr. Daniel Harrington, S.J. [recently RIP], America 10-6-08). Knowing we're invited gives us hope. Before it, God calls us to our own preparation:
- 2nd, starting when the Word is made flesh to inaugurate and establish God’s Kingdom: Banquet is now set before us, and we're called to serve it, healing and forgiving whenever we can and so tasting God's goodness: in Eucharist, community, service of the poor, spreading God’s Kingdom, and working towards its fulfillment. Crowds came to Jesus, with the lame, blind, deformed, mute, and others; they glorified God when they saw healing.
- 3rd: Christ completes the establishment of the Kingdom and brings all to the banquet table, fulfilling Isaiah's promise, accomplishing our salvation, dispelling ignorance, fear, hostility, and reproach.
- One Bread One Body: We believe God will bring about his kingdom of peace, where people are so transformed that enemies become friends. Stand amazed at God's loving-kindness.
- Passionist: Today's Gospel is an expression of praise Jesus utters under the Spirit's influence, revealing how closely he lived in the Spirit and in recognition of his Father: "I give you praise, Father, Lord, for though you've hidden these things from the wise, you've revealed them to the childlike..." May God's Spirit burst from us and keep alive the same awareness of God that moved Jesus to praise the Father.
Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third order of St. Francis Online Advent Retreat: Today's image |
- Isaiah prophesied the Messiah would have the gifts of the Spirit and establish God's kingdom by offering his life as atoning sacrifice for sin. Jesus defeated Satan, overcame death, won pardon and reconciliation for all, makes us citizens of heaven and God's friends, and wants us to live expecting he'll come again to establish his kingdom of justice and peace. His prayer tells us pride can keep us from knowing and loving God, while the simple of heart, like children, see purely and acknowledge their dependence on God and seek him. Simplicity is wedded with the humility that inclines us towards grace and truth. Humility is the only soil in which God's grace can take root.
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