January 19, 2015: Monday, 2nd week, Ordinary Time
- Crucifix pin: Jesus learned obedience from what he suffered, became salvation source (1st reading)
- 'Grapes' pin: New wine, fresh skins! (gospel)
- Green T-shirt, [not shown] socks: Ordinary Time season
For Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (see also Friday)
- Family of faith/ Ottományi: sheet music (p. 3), lyrics, Old hundredth tune (Long Meter/LM/8888 alternatives, how to play)
- That all may be one in Christ/ Manalo: sheet music
- Many and one/ Angrisano
- I wouldn't go back, from Closer than ever/ Maltby, Shire (gospel re new skins)
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May we dress inwardly like these 'outfits' OneLife LA on FB |
- Heb 5:1-10 High priests are men made representatives before God; they can deal patiently with us because they're beset by weakness. Christ was made high priest: he offered prayers and was heard; he learned obedience from suffering and became the source of salvation for all who obey him.
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'Wineskins' word cloud (animate) |
- Ps 110:1-4 "You are a priest for ever, in the line of Melchizedek."
- Mk 2:18-22 “Why do John's and the Pharisees' disciples fast but yours don't?” / “When the groom is with the wedding guests, they can't fast, but when he's taken away, they will. If you sew unshrunken cloth on an old cloak, the tear gets worse. If you pour new wine into old skins, the skins burst. New wine, fresh skins!”
- Creighton: Christ re joy: "As long as they have the bridegroom with them they can't fast." Pope Francis: "Joy! A Christian can never be sad! Our joy is from having encountered Jesus in our midst." We can be joyful because Jesus is new life. Old ways are hard to change, but we're called to shed sinful ways to follow Jesus and experience peace, joy, and love.
- One Bread One Body: "On the fast track": Fasting shows commitment, breaks bonds, sets God's will in motion, and puts thing in "'fast' forward."
- Passionist: The image of new wine and fresh skins is powerful, lifegiving, hopeful, sustaining, and nourishing. New wine was produced as new disciples said yes to Jesus. When Martin Luther King was alive, he called for new skins, laws, norms, and hearts. How often have we ruined our new wine by putting it into old skins? When we reform, we know we can't pour our wine into old skins but rather need new attitudes and behaviors. We need to love more, forgive more, respect more, serve more, and witness to God's goodness. God knows how to make good wine; may we be fresh skins for it.
- DailyScripture.net: There's a time to fast and a time to feast. / Jesus warns against closed minds. Do I bring out treasure from old and new?
- Universalis: St. Wulstan, monk made bishop, known as confessor, cared for poor and sick, demanded high standards.
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