January 22, 2015: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
- 'Hand' tie pin: Our high priest has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty (1st reading)
- 'Girl with heart' pin: "Your law is within my heart!” (psalm)
- 'Boats' tie: He told his disciples to have a boat ready for him (gospel)
- 'Precious feet' pin: The unborn deserve respect and protection...
- OneLife LA button: ...as does all human life
- White shirt: today's color
- Green socks: Ordinary Time season
- Requiem for the unborn/ Bonaduce; hear it live this Saturday
- Here I am, Lord/ Ward: more info (psalm)
- Here I am, Lord/ Schutte (psalm)
- There's a wideness in God's mercy/ Faber: more tunes, color (1st reading)
For week of prayer for Christian unity (see also Friday)
- Bind us together/ Gillman
- With one voice/ Redman, Chapman
The people saw hope in Jesus, because his action and teaching with God's power touched them; the Spirit stirred them. They went to him seeking their own good: healing; our intentions don't start out pure, but the journey purifies them. Jesus' healings and heart-touching words were signs of, and the start of, another healing: "Jesus saves those who approach God through him; he intercedes for them."
Jesus saves! The path for many is first to hear Jesus or ask for a healing, then come back to him for salvation. He's the Savior and saves us; that's the most important thing and the strength of our faith. The crowd seeks Jesus with an instinctive hope that is proper to God's people awaiting the Messiah, and they look to find in Him health, truth, salvation, for Jesus is interceding for us right now.Read
- Heb 7:25—8:6 Jesus can save those who approach God; he's our high priest, holy and undefiled. He offered himself as sacrifice....
- Ps 40:7-10, 17 "Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will." You wanted obedience, not sacrifice. I delight in doing your will.
- Mk 3:7-12 People came to him from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, beyond the Jordan, Tyre, and Sidon. He'd cured many, so those with diseases wanted him to touch them. Unclean spirits fell before him, shouting "Son of God!"
- Creighton: Deep within us is God-given respect for life. Pray today, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, that all lives be cherished.
- Passionist: Jesus reaches out to the Gentiles, invites them to the Kingdom; he's interested in everyone including the poor, outcasts, and sinners. Am I?
- DailyScripture.net: What's holding me back from giving myself unreservedly to God?
St. Augustine: "We touch Jesus by faith; it's better than just with our hands, something even his oppressors did, though they lost what they held. O Church, your faith has made you whole (Sermons on Easter 148)
St, Cyril: "[Jesus] performed very many wonderful miracles ... so that both Jews and Greeks might know Christ was God, not some ordinary man. He honored the chosen disciples with the apostolate. He was the Word made man but retained his own glory. 'Power went from him and healed all.' Christ didn't borrow strength from another, but being God, he healed them all, by demonstrating power over the sick." (Commentary on Luke, Homily 25)
Demons recognized Jesus' power and authority came from heaven; they confessed him but didn't respond in love. Do I respond with faith and eagerness to do his will?
- Saints, from Universalis:
- Vincent, deacon and martyr; see Wikipedia.
- Publius, honored as Bishop of Malta, welcomed Paul and his companions; see Wikipedia.
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